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IRCA Marshals Day (Mondello) - (Sat) 18 Jan 14
Posted: January 20, 2014 9:25 PM - 4636 Hits

IRCA Marshals Day (Mondello) - (Sat) 19 Jan 13
Posted: January 21, 2013 9:36 PM - 5079 Hits

Posted: June 26, 2012 11:49 AM - 2298 Hits

IRCA Marshals Day (Mondello) - 22 Jan 12
Posted: January 27, 2012 11:56 PM - 8112 Hits

IRCA new Website and Forum is live
Posted: June 1, 2011 3:07 PM - 2456 Hits

IRCA Marshals Day (Mondello) - (Sat) 22 Jan 11
Posted: January 27, 2011 6:17 PM - 8396 Hits

Photo: Patrick Doyle

Marshals Pay Back Day @ Mondello - (Sat) 23 Jan 10
Posted: January 24, 2010 11:46 PM - 13870 Hits

Link: IRCA New Website & Forum
Posted: September 10, 2008 8:26 PM - 3644 Hits

Marshals Payback Day @ Mondello Park - 13 Jan 07
Posted: January 15, 2008 1:14 PM - 7451 Hits

Marshal's Payback Day at Mondello Park. Sunday 13th January 2008

  • Photos

Photo: Redmistmotorsport.com

IRCA Marshals Day @ Mondello - (Sat) 5 Nov 05
Posted: October 30, 2005 11:20 AM - 4896 Hits

  • List of Drivers
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  • Marshals Pay Back Day re scheduled
  • Profits to Temple Street Children's Hospital Fund.
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Entries have continued to flow in for Marshal’s Day headed by Nialll McShea driving Kevin Barrett’s S8, Eugene Donnelly, Ray Breen, and Gareth McHale will also offer their championship winning cars for the day.

IRCA Marshal's Day @ Mondello - POSTPONED
Posted: February 12, 2005 6:35 PM - 3537 Hits

IRCA Marshal's Day @ Mondello - (Sat) 19 Feb 05

Mondello Park has today (Friday 11th Feb) informed the IRCA that, due to resurfacing of their track and in particular, the warranty conditions attached, that the scheduled Marshal's Day can not proceed.

IRCA Marshal's Day @ Mondello - 24 Jan '04
Posted: January 8, 2004 7:37 PM - 3410 Hits

Marshal's day entry forms are now available to download
The entry fee is reduced this year to € 120 (Eur) and a large turnout is expected so early entries are advisable.
This event is NOT an invitation only event and all comers are welcome.
This year the Charity is Temple Street Children's Hospital.

IRCA Meetings - (Thurs) 20 Feb 03
Posted: February 19, 2003 1:34 AM - 5690 Hits

2 meetings
Date Thursday 20 Feb
The Hillgrove. Monaghan.
Mallow Park Hotel. (formerly Central Hotel)

Its in your interests to make the effort and invite all competitors along


IRCA Marshal's Payback Day @ Mondello Park - 18 Aug 02
Posted: August 21, 2002 10:01 AM - 21618 Hits

Photo from the 2002 Marshalls Day

IRCA News - Regional Meeting in January 2002
Posted: January 17, 2002 9:47 AM - 14886 Hits

The IRCA regional meetings are this week at the following.

Tuesday 15th 8pm January 
Claremorris - Dalton's Inn 
Carlow - Seven Oaks

Thursday 17th 8pm January
Monaghan - Hillgrove Hotel
Mallow - The Hibernian

Dungannon To be confirmed

Doping in Motorsport - #2
Posted: December 14, 2001 2:28 PM - 11953 Hits

The IRCA met with Dr. Frank O'Donoghue, the Medical Officer in charge of Doping in Motorsport, on Tuesday 11th December. The meeting proved most informative and Dr. O'Donoghue gave excellent assurances on certain areas. The fact is that the policy is in place and we can expect to see testing in the near future. Control over which events will be tested lies only with the Sports Council and they will give Motorsport Ireland short notice.

IRCA SMS Service
Posted: December 6, 2001 10:59 AM - 7762 Hits

The IRCA's new SMS messaging service database is now being compiled. Each renewed member will recieve at least one message a month in 2002.

IRCA Mondello Day for Marshals - 22 Jul 01
Posted: July 23, 2001 10:15 AM - 13533 Hits

By Delcan Tumilty

The IRCA wish to thank all those who took part in the Marshal's Day. The day was a huge success and a special thanks to all the drivers who took part and gave willingly of their time and cars. All who were lucky enough to get a seat were treated to a special day.

It is a credit to Irish Competitors that so many turned out to salute marshals, and when asked to, queued to take the Chernobyl children for a spin. The atmosphere and comradery of the day spoke volumes of the sport and, we believe, that there are few sports that could boast such a day.
Well done to all who turned up to Marshal, help and drive.

IRCA meeting on rally class' - 9 May '00
Posted: May 8, 2000 2:31 PM - 7573 Hits

Reminder - Meeting - Tue May 9th in The Prince Of Wales Hotel Athlone

The IRCA have being asked by the Rallies Committee to give a submission regarding the class' in Irish rallying.

IRCA Membership Forms
Posted: February 29, 2000 9:55 PM - 3696 Hits

  • Membership Form

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