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IRCA Mondello Day for Marshals - 22 Jul 01

Posted: July 23, 2001 10:15 AM - 13534 Hits

By Delcan Tumilty

The IRCA wish to thank all those who took part in the Marshal's Day. The day was a huge success and a special thanks to all the drivers who took part and gave willingly of their time and cars. All who were lucky enough to get a seat were treated to a special day.

It is a credit to Irish Competitors that so many turned out to salute marshals, and when asked to, queued to take the Chernobyl children for a spin. The atmosphere and comradery of the day spoke volumes of the sport and, we believe, that there are few sports that could boast such a day.
Well done to all who turned up to Marshal, help and drive.

Posted: July 23, 2001 10:15 AM

80 cars are registered to partake in the day. All are divided into 3 classes and time tabled to run.

103 Marshals are registered and have been sent official entry letters, only Marshals WITH THOSE LETTERS will be allowed to run. All marshals will get a run in each of the three classed cars.

Drivers registration and scrutiny will be at 9am
Marshal's sign on from 9.30am
Drivers briefing 11am
Convoy lap at 11.15am
First car away at 11.30am

There will be a free raffle for the registered marshals during the day, for a variety of prizes e.g. Rally jackets.

There will be no admittance charge to the track but an opportunity will be there to donate to the Chernobyl Children's Project. We hope every one has an enjoyable day.

More details and Entry listwww.irca-info.com
Some of the entries to date include Austin McHale, Niall Maguire, Willie Singleton, Kieran O'Neill, Anthony O'Halloran and John Spain to name but a few.
Thanks to Declan Tumilty

On July 22nd, Mondello Park will set stage for an event unique to Irish Rallying, when IRCA (IRISH RALLY COMPETITORS ASSOCIATION), pay tribute and thanks to Ireland's marshals. 80 of our top competitors will give their time and cars in order to provide laps of the famous track, so that marshals can, for once, sit back and enjoy the thrills of these cars from the inside. IRCA hope, that with drivers such as Austin McHale, Andrew Nesbitt, Eamon Boland, Frank Meagher, Tommy Graham, Kevin Barrett, Kenny McKinstry, Niall Maguire, Willie Singleton, Kieran O'Neill, to name but a few, already committed, the day will prove exciting and enjoyable to everyone. While it is hoped that every marshal should get at least one spin in a Gp A, all classes of cars will be represented, so marshals can prepare to buckle up and hold on tight.

IRCA believe that it is long since time that competitors gave something back to those for whom our sport is so heavily indebted, and we are assured of a great response from Ireland's drivers.

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