Posted: January 24, 2010 11:46 PM - 13871 Hits
Posted: January 22, 2010 10:08 PM
All is now set for the 2010 Marshal’s Day in Mondello Park. With 80 cars lined up to participate.
Some 80 Marshals have now signed on for the spin on the hallowed tarmac and this should prove to be, as usual, a great day. We are obviously sorry we cannot facilitate all marshals this time but it just is not possible and it was always our hope that with the day running annually, each year would allow different Marshals the chance to participate.
Some final notes:
1. Sign on begins at 9am up to 10.15am. Only those Marshals who are pre registered through either their clubs or the IRCA phone places can sign on. NO FURTHER PASSES WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE DAY AS TRACK OPEN TIME DICTATED THE NUMBERS.
2. Were possible we ask all marshals to bring a helmet or have the facility to share.
3. Please proceed to the next available car when lining up, we cannot allow preferences.
4. Entry to the track is free, the café will be open and you may bring as many spectators as you wish. Photography is free and unrestricted on the day.
5. Anyone who gets a driver’s free pass for the afternoon runs must sign on before entering the track.
6. Drivers should get to the track before 10.00
7. Familiarisation run will be at after briefing for those new to the track.
8. Have a great day.
Posted: January 20, 2010 5:48 PM
Entries from Motor Clubs for Marshals Day at Mondello Race Circuit next Saturday are now closed and no further Clubs will be accepted at this time.
The following 15 clubs have sent entries on behalf of their members.
Posted: January 19, 2010 2:43 PM
1 Paddy O’Rourke (Ford Escort 2000)
2 Kenny McKinstry (Subaru Impreza WRC )
3 Kevin Barrett (Subaru Impreza WRC)
4 Niall Maguire (Ford Escort G3)
5 Shane Maguire (Subaru Subaru N11)
6 Nigal McGinn (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6)
7 Patsy Carbury (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 7)
8 James Foley (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 10)
9 Eamom Daly (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
10 Trevor Mulligan (Ford Escort 2500)
11 Maurice Moffett (Toyota Starlet 2500)
12 Michael Dennehy (Ford Sierra Cosworth)
13 Christy Carey (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
14 David Murphy (Ford Escort 2.5)
15 John Glesson (Ford Escort 2000)
16 Kenneth Kelliher (Ford Escort 2000)
17 Ian Gunning (Ford Escort 2000)
18 Derek Deane (Ford Escort 2000)
19 Tomas O’Rourke (Opel Astra 2000)
20 Timmy Casey (Ford Escort G3 2000)
21 Patrick Johnston (Opel Astra 2000)
22 Barry Foley (Ford Escort 2000)
23 Justin Smyth (Ford Escort 2000)
24 Gerry Smyth (Ford Escort 2000)
25 Raymond Drury (Ford Escort 2400)
26 Russell Woods (Ford Escort 2000)
27 Andy Hennessy (Fiat 131 Racing)
28 Paraic Cummins (Ford Escort G4 2000)
29 William Lawrence (Ford Escort 2000)
30 Mark Dolphin (Ford Escort 2000)
31 Edward O’ Callaghan (Ford Escort 2000 16v)
32 Fiachra Moran (Ford Escort 2000)
35 Noel Broderick (Ford Anglia 1500 GT)
36 Danial Breslin (Toyota Corrolla 1600)
37 Brendan O’Rourke (Peugeot 206 cup car)
38 Paul Browne (Honda Civic 1600)
39 Paddy Nolan (Toyota Starlet 1600 16V)
40 Dermot Hassett (Chevrolet Kalos)
41 Patrick Herity (Toyota Corolla 1600)
42 Shane Carbury (Honda Civic)
43 Martin McKeown (Talbot Sunbeam 1600)
44 Shane Moriarty (Toyota Corolla 1600)
45 Kevin Randles (Ford Escort 1600)
46 Anthony Hand (Ford Escort 1600)
47 Tony O’Driscoll (Peugeot 106)
48 Stephan Wright (Ford Fiesta ST 2000)
49 Pa Bellew (Ford Escort 1400)
50 David Morrett (Toyota Starlet 1600)
51 Richard Moffett (Toyota Starlet 1600)
52 Maurice McElligott (Peugeot 205 Gti)
53 John Ward (Toyota Corolla 1600)
54 Gerry Ahern (Toyota Corrolla 1600)
55 Mike Croker (Toyota Corrolla 1600)
Entries are still open will be taken on the day.
Posted: January 19, 2010 2:27 PM
Track opens 8.30am
Sign on and scrutiny 9.00am
Driver's Briefing 10.30am
FCA - Class 1 (1300 to 1600 vehicles) - 11.00
1.00 - 1.30 Lunch
Guest runs 2.00pm
Spectator access over footbridge from 9.00
Entry to the pit area is up to 10.20am and for rally and service vehicles only,
all other access is by foot only.
The Café will be open on the Day.
Posted: January 15, 2010 5:05 PM
On the 23rd January (Saturday Next) over 70 Rally cars will descend on Mondello Race Circuit in Co. Kildare for the 6th IRCA (Irish Rally Competitors Association) Marshals day.
A wide variety of vehicles inc Subaru WRC’s, Mitsubishi Evo’s, MK 2 Escorts, RWD Corollas and a Rage Buggy as seen @ race of Champions.
These vehicles are provided by competitors to give passenger rides to Marshals as an expression of gratitude for their tireless efforts throughout the year. IRCA recognise that without this volunteer workforce rallying would not exist in Ireland and by holding Marshals day it allows us to say “Thank You”.
As in previous years the IRCA has invited Motor Clubs via registered mail to select 3 Marshals which have attended the Motorsport Ireland Training Course and submit their details to us for inclusion on IRCA Marshals Day which to many is a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit alongside people like Kenny Mc Kinstry, Niall Maguire, Kevin Barrett, Maurice Moffett, and many more.
The problem we currently have is that out of the 33 invited motor clubs which have in excess of 2,500 Motorsport Ireland Trained Marshals in their membership only 7 clubs have responded on behalf of their membership.
(Carlow, Wexford, Westmeath, Mayo Western Marshals, Galway & Munster Car Club).
As closing date was today Friday 15th January for Marshals Entries to be submitted we will now leave this open until Tuesday next the 19th January for Motor Clubs to submit entries.
If after Tuesday we do not get an adequate response we will forced to cancel the event and it will most likely not be ran in future if there is this lack of interest.
From and IRCA perspective we are very disappointed and somewhat shocked that out of a total of 2500 trained people that 99 (33 clubs @ 3 marshals each) do not wish to attend what has in the past been a very enjoyable and fulfilling day for our guests.
If you are a trained marshal and a member of a motor club that has not submitted an entry to us contact them to avail of a fantastic day out in the passenger seat of a rally car. It’s Free of charge all you need is to bring a helmet and be over 18.
Any Motor Club that wishes to submit an entry can FAX 069 77710 or e-mail
Posted: January 12, 2010 3:36 PM
With the Marshal's Day approaching fast the entries are coming in well except
for the Marshals.
Only 2 clubs have responded to date and with entries closing on
Friday Clubs and Marshals are are asked to ensure they are registered.
Posted: December 14, 2009 11:29 AM
The Irish Rally Competitors Association is pleased to announce the Marshals Pay back day has been scheduled to run on Saturday 23rd January. Now firmly established as a must do day for all, entries are expected to fill quickly so you are advised to post them in early.
As ever the purpose of this day is to provide an opportunity to pay thanks for the marshals who make our sport possible during the season and raise money for charity.
Marshals will be allowed 3 passenger rides in 3 different classes of rally cars.
Competitors will then be given the opportunity to bring their own guests for passenger rides on the famous Mondello track. It promises, again, to be a day for all to remember.