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Cavan Navigation Trial - POSTPONED

Posted: May 4, 2017 6:56 AM - 2805 Hits

Cavan Navigation Trial - 4-5 Mar 17
Round 7 - 2016/17 National Night Navigation Championship

Not a counting round of the 2016/17 National Night Navigation Championship

Posted: May 4, 2017 6:56 AM

Rescheduled event will not take place during current Night Navigation Season, the event will not be counting round of the 2016/17 National Night Navigation Championship.

Event Postponed

Posted: February 27, 2017 9:15 AM

"It is with deep regret we need to inform you that the night navigation trial is Postponed until further notice. The recent rain fall in the region has made alot of the lanes unpassable and with the loss of some crucial lanes avoiding PR areas which has made the event impossible to run efficiently. Entries will be returned and the maps and regs etc will be kept the same for the next event I will run. I am sorry for this situation but it is out of our control."
Ruaidhri Nash - COC

Regulations / Entry Form

Posted: February 20, 2017 11:18 AM

This year's Cavan Night Navigation Trial will run from the Stray Sod in Drung which is one of the traditional homes of night navigations in the region and a real blast from the past for the older competitors.
Regs available at:

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