Posted: May 13, 2013 1:09 PM - 2617 Hits
Counting Round - 2013 Munster Autotest Championship
Posted: May 13, 2013 1:07 PM
1 Peter Falvey (Mini Special) 496.8s,
2 Damien Doran (Mini) 501.4s,
3 Paddy Power (Mini Special) 501.9s,
4 Timmy Lynch (Westfield) 507.2s,
5 Ian White (Mini) 513.0s,
6 Gerry Lynch (Westfield) 529.8s,
7 Liam Croston (Starlet) 551.2s,
8 Mike Mulcahy (Mini Special) 554.7s,
9 Alan Clarke (Mini Special) 556.4s,
10 Rory Power (Mini) 568.3s.
Class winners:
Damien Doran,
Paddy Power,
Connie Lynch (Starlet Special) 595.6s,
Timmy Lynch,
Michael Lynch (Starlet) 615.4s,
Liam Croston,
Anthony O’Neill (Starlet) 720.5s,
Sharon Clarke (Mini Special) 649.8s.
Posted: April 20, 2013 9:05 AM
Imokilly Motor Club
Auto Test May 12th
Venue: Corrin Event Centre (Mart) Fermoy Co Cork
The event will be part of Cork Motor Fest
CoC for the event Michael Collins
More Details Phone 086 3170101.