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2013 Northern Ireland Navigation Championship Launch - 6 Jan 13

Posted: January 2, 2013 10:41 PM - 2337 Hits

Championship Introduction & Launch: 14:00-16:00, Sunday 6th January Superdrive Motorsports Centre, 7 Derrynescan Road, Portadown

2013 Navigation Rallying Championship & Launch Event

Posted: January 2, 2013 10:15 PM

On Friday the 18th of January the McGrady Insurance Navigation Rally Championship swings back into action. Stretching across the province from Rathfriland to Enniskillen, the nine rounds of the 2013 championship will see novice and experienced competitors in action until the Firecracker Rally on the 1st of November.

Navigation rallying is an ideal way to get involved with Motorsport at a grassroots level. With cheap entry fees and the ability to win each class and the event outright in a completely standard road car (previously crews have been successful in everything from a Mk1 Escort, a Vauxhall Nova and a standard Seat Ibiza), this really is a sport where a bit of skill and willingness to have a laugh is worth much more than deep pockets!

Before the new season gets underway the Superdrive Motorsport Centre near Portadown will host an interactive afternoon to launch the new championship. Seasoned competitors and crews from 2012 will be on hand to welcome newcomers to the sport.

The afternoon is planned to include an introduction to navigation rallying aimed at new competitors as well as display of nav rally cars along with tips on car preparation for drivers and helpful advice.

All-in-all it should be a great afternoon and quite probably the best way to shake off any New Year's Eve excess and find out more about an exciting Motorsport! So if you are an existing competitor, or interested in finding out more about navigation rallying then come along:

Championship Introduction & Launch: 14:00-16:00, Sunday 6th January Superdrive Motorsports Centre, 7 Derrynescan Road, Portadown

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