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Enniskillen Motorclub Rally Time Trial - (Sat) 21 Jul 12

Posted: July 24, 2012 2:08 PM - 6293 Hits

Campbell Contracts Rally Time Trial organised by Enniskillen Motor Club - 21st of July


Posted: July 17, 2012 12:30 PM

Roanan Campbell (sponsor) Jackie Elliott (event Secretary) Declan McGarrity (competitor) Eamon McGarrity (clerk of Course) Brendan and Declan Campbell (Sponsors)
Photo: Enniskillen Motorclub

Campbell Contract Rally Time Trial - Enniskillen motor club's popular rally time trial will run this year under a slightly different guise, the event which has successfully ran in the past over the confines of Brougher mountain will move base to Clarke's quarry in Lisnaskea, and with the move comes a change in surface.

The now gravel course is a welcome change for many competitors as of late quarry events have dwindled in numbers.

Clerk of the Course Eamon McGarrity has laid on a demanding route which will be a pleasant challenge for all the drivers coming to compete, event sponsor's Campbell contracts will be well supported with no fewer than four brother's out for family honours they include Brendan, Ronan, Declan and Damien.

Also contesting the event will be regular stalwarts the Elliott's from Kesh as both George and Trevor will have their well turned out cars in place for a shout at victory.

Other notable entrants are Frank and Conor Kelly, Shane McGirr, Glen Irwin, Declan McGarrity and Andrew McMahon.
This year the event will have the awards presentation in the Donn Carragh followed by a rally charity dance in the Milltown manor Tempo, the main beneficiaries of the charity are Friends of the Cancer Centre and Marie Curie.

Entries are still being taken for this popular event details of which can be found on


Posted: June 28, 2012 9:27 PM

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