Posted: March 5, 2012 2:09 PM - 2896 Hits
Counting Round - 2012 ANICC Northern Ireland Night Navigation Challenge
Posted: February 27, 2012 9:34 PM
After the great turn out for the introduction night on the 10th Feb, where we had 42 new competitors register for the Night Rally Challenge it is now time to move things from the class room out onto the roads!
Newry and District Motor Club have organized the next night of the Challenge for Friday 2nd March. The event will run out of the Mountain House Bar, near Newry, from 7:00pm with the rally school starting at 7:30pm sharp. Entry forms should be downloaded from the ANICC website and brought with you on the night.
Competitors will be introduced to another couple of the most common navigation rally instructions and then it will be time to head out on the roads. This will be a chance to try out their new skills for the first time and get a taste of what it’s like to compete in a navigation rally environment, with all the darkness, noise, bumps and occasional arguments that it involves.
If you missed the introduction night don’t worry. There will be experienced navigators on hand to take you through what you missed and bring you up to speed with everyone else.
If you haven’t yet got a second member for your crew sorted out please send an email to the address below and you will be matched up to a fellow beginner, or an experienced competitor who will join you on the night. We won’t let anyone miss out.
As explained at the introduction night your normal road insurance won’t cover you for the road section of the event. If you are over 21 years old and have no more than 6 penalty points you can sign up for the event insurance on the night. However, if you can’t meet these conditions you will have to apply for insurance in advance. It’s a simple process but if this effects you then please get in touch and you will be guided through it.
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