Posted: October 14, 2011 8:12 AM - 7829 Hits
Posted: October 13, 2011 2:38 PM
The annual Campbell Contracts Brougher rally run by Enniskillen Motor Club took place recently and along with sponsoring the rally the Campbell family and friends run a variety of events for charity, these include prize draw, auction, raffle and charity dance. In total £14,650 was raised this year and this was split equally between Marie Curie and Action Cancer.
The Campbell family would like to thank all those who helped and supported the event by purchasing tickets, attending the dance or buying something at the highly successful auction and to all those who made a donation, your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Posted: June 24, 2011 6:27 PM
Regs and Entry forms can be downloaded for the Campbell Contracts Brougher Rally Time Trial organised by Enniskillen Motor Club on 16th of July.
Come and enjoy a good days craic on the mountain and also the evening afterwards in Tempo Community Hall where the organisers hope to raise a lot of money for two charities
- Marie Curie and Action Cancer.
Regulations and Entry form on the downloads page of: