Posted: January 27, 2011 12:48 PM - 2248 Hits
Posted: January 14, 2011 10:37 AM
Wexford motor club is running its very first virtual race day on
January 23rd in the Riverbank House Hotel.
The event, which will be
run on a similar system to a rallycross will be an all day event with
equipment and training being provided by Wayne Douglas.
The "Regs and
Entry Form" are now on the club website.
The event has its own mini
site and will be treated the same as any other club run event. Places
will probably be at a premium on the day, so early entry will
probably be a good idea. See you there on the day, and don't be
afraid to bring along the whole family, Granny & Grandad included for
a great way to pass a way a winter's day!!
More Details: