Posted: August 29, 2008 2:07 PM - 16670 Hits
Round 5 - 2008 Midlands East Rally Championship
Posted: August 28, 2008 10:58 AM
1 Pat Donegan/Sean Hayde (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 13s,
2 Trevor Mulligan/Lisa Roe (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 14s,
3 Rodney Wilton/Conor McMahon (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 14s,
4 Russell Woods/Martin Byrne (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 31s,
5 Alan Sheridan/Alan Tuite (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 31s,
6 Michael Curran/Mark McNally (Ford Escort Mk2) 29m 36s.
Full Results and Times:
Posted: August 21, 2008 10:33 PM
Castle Auto Club Meeting Point for Marshals
Currans filling station on the Kells road out of Oldcastle
8am Sunday
Posted: August 20, 2008 6:25 PM
As off Tuesday 19th 10am
Entries that have withdrawn: 110, 34, 159, 120, 144 189, 170, 140
(5 withdrawn from the main field)
156 is now running