Jun 02

Italy (WRC) - 2-5 Jun 22 Posted: June 5, 2022 3:17 AM

Round 5 - 2022 World Rally Championship

Live Results (Italy 2022) Also available at: rally-base results & ewrc-results.com
News: www.wrc.com
Event Website: Rally Italia

First stage each day - Times are Irish/UK (Sardinia is 1 hour ahead)
Shakedown Thu - 08:01
SS1 Thu - 17:08
SS2 Fri - 06:01
SS10 Sat - 06:36 - new time, 10 mins earlier to allow 4 minute intervals for Rally1 cars
SS18 Sun - 07:10

May 29

Munster CC Autocross (LS) - 29 May 22 Posted: May 25, 2022 4:15 PM

Counting Round - 2022 National Autocross Championship (Loose)
Counting Round - 2022 Munster Autocross Championship

May 29

Cavan Endurance Trial - 29 May 22 Posted: May 27, 2022 4:41 AM

Results: results.shannonsportsit.ie (Angus Sealy)

May 28

Emcos (Red Dragon IT) Stages - (Sat) 28 May 22 Posted: May 27, 2022 4:47 AM

Topics: EMCOS Stages 
May 28

OMC Spamount Hill Climb - (Sat) 28 May 22 Posted: May 27, 2022 5:20 AM

Counting Round - 2022 Northern Ireland Hillclimb Championship

Results by: McAleer Timing

May 28

CDMC Championship Autotest - (Sat) 28 May 22 Posted: May 16, 2022 5:20 AM

May 28

Rallysport Association - Shackleton - (Sat) 28 May 22 Posted: May 16, 2022 4:28 AM

May 27

Jim Clark Rally - 27-29 May 22 Posted: May 27, 2022 5:20 AM

Round 2 - 2022 British Rally Championship
Round 3 - 2022 Scottish Rally Championship
Round 2 - Motorsport UK Asphalt Rally Championship

International / National (BRC/Asphalt) - 27-28 May
Reivers (Scottish) - 29 May

Live Results (Jim Clark 2022 - All Events) | Results by North East Rally Services
Tracking: rallytracking.co.uk
Facebook Live: Scottish Rally Championship (Reivers Rally)
Facebook Live: Jim Clark Rally Facebook Page Page
Facebook Live: Special Stage Rally Review
Facebook Live: British Rally Championship
Event Website: Jim Clark Memorial Rally
SS1 Fri - 19:21
SS3 Sat - 10:35
SS1 Sun - 10:10 (Reivers Rally)

May 27

Deja Vu Tralee - 27-28 May 22 Posted: May 24, 2022 2:12 PM

Topics: Deja Vu Tours 
May 25

CAM Autotest - (Wed) 25 May 22 Posted: May 15, 2022 3:30 AM

Topics: Autotest 
May 22

Midland Forest Rally - 22 May 22 - CANCELLED Posted: May 8, 2022 9:43 AM

Round 3 - 2022 Irish Forestry Rally Championship
Round 3 - 2022 Motorsport Ireland Junior Rally Series (J1000)
Round 3 - 2022 Motorsport Ireland Junior Rally Series (J1600 and JR2/ Rally4)

May 21

Maiden City Stages - (Sat) 21 May 22 Posted: May 20, 2022 6:02 PM

Eakin Bros Brian James Trailers Stages 2022 - Saturday 21st of May
Round 3 - 2022 Northern Ireland Rally Championship

Live Results (Maiden City 2022) | Results by: RallyScore.Net
Facebook Live Reports from Onthepacenote.com
SS1 10:08

May 21

Plains Rally - (Sat) 21 May 22 Posted: May 20, 2022 6:02 PM

Round 3 - 2022 Motorsport UK British Historic Rally Championship
Round 3 - 2022 Welsh Rally Championship

Live Results (Plains Rally 2022) | Results by: Tynemouth Computer Services Rally Results
Facebook Live: Special Stage Rally Review
SS1 07:24

May 19

Portugal (WRC) - 19-22 May 22 Posted: May 20, 2022 6:02 PM

Round 4 - 2022 World Rally Championship

Live Results (Portugal 2022) | Also Available at: ewrc-results.com or rally-base results
News: www.wrc.com
Event Website: Rally de Portugal

First stage each day - Irish/UK Times
Shakedown Thu - 09:01
SS1 Thu - 19:03
SS2 Fri - 08:08
SS10 Sat - 07:38
SS17 Sun - 07:08

May 15

Carlow Stages Rally - 15 May 22 Posted: May 15, 2022 3:30 AM

Round 4 - 2022 National Rally Championship
Round 2 - 2022 Midlands East Rally Championship
Round 2 - 2022 South East Stages Rally Championship

Live Results (Carlow 2022) | Results by: results.shannonsportsit.ie (Angus Sealy)
Facebook Live Reports from Onthepacenote.com
SS1 10:00

May 15

GSMC Autocross (GS) - 15 May 22 Posted: May 10, 2022 10:12 AM

Counting Round - 2022 National Autocross Championship (GRASS)

May 14

Border Counties Rally - (Sat) 14 May 22 Posted: May 14, 2022 2:44 AM

Round 3 - 2022 BTRDA Rally Series

Live Results (Border Counties 2022) | Results by: Tynemouth Computer Services Rally Results
SS1 08:30

Topics: Border Counties  BTRDA 
May 14

Skibbereen Norman Giles Autotest - 14-15 May 22 Posted: May 14, 2022 2:43 AM

Counting Rounds - 2022 Munster Autotest Championship

Results by: Stopastride (Entries & Results)

May 14

TSH Stages - (Sat) 14 May 22 Posted: May 14, 2022 2:44 AM

Results: South West Timekeeping

Topics: TSH Stages 
May 14

NDMC Drumhorc Hill Climb - (Sat) 14 May 22 Posted: May 14, 2022 2:43 AM

Counting Round - 2022 Northern Ireland Hillclimb Championship

Results by: McAleer Timing

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