Coast 2 Coast Rally (Stranraer) - 6-7 May 22 - NOT GOING AHEAD

Posted: March 7, 2022 3:21 AM - 1940 Hits

2022 Event not going ahead

Posted: March 7, 2022 3:21 AM

"Sadly, very sadly indeed, Machars Car Club have had to postpone the inaugural Coast2Coast Rally which was scheduled to run on the 6th/7th May due to insurmountable problems.

Everything was looking promising following a physical reconnaissance and time schedule check of the full route two weekends ago and the organising committee commenced final planning.

However, since then two major problems have arisen which have proved to be impossible to resolve in the time available. With the rally just two months away there are certain legal requirements which have to be put in place within a certain time frame. Although this initial work had been done, any subsequent changes require notification to all interested parties which can further extend that time frame.

With that in mind, the organisers had little choice but to postpone this year's proposed event. With the rest of the UK rallying calendar now in place there were no suitable dates on which a delayed event could be run later this year.

It is therefore with bitter regret that the decision had to be taken to put plans on hold till next year!

Machars Car Club has been very grateful for all the support it has received so far from the vast majority of local residents and businesses as well as the valued support from Dumfries & Galloway Council, Roads Department, local community councils, Stranraer Development Trust and Police Scotland and of course the event sponsors Donnan Construction and SVM Port Services.

The event would have generated a substantial financial boost and increased tourism exposure to the Dumfries & Galloway region and although dismayed and disappointed the team behind the planning remain determined to organise and promote this event around a similar date next year.

For now the anticipation and excitement has been extinguished, but the team is confident that the call for, "Competitors - start your engines", will bring a spark of motor sporting life to Stranraer next year."

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