2022 South Downs Stages (Goodwood) - TBA

Posted: December 31, 2021 3:42 PM - 1253 Hits


Posted: December 31, 2021 3:42 PM

"A quick update on South Downs Stages 2022.

As much as everyone enjoyed the summer event in August 2021 we can confirm it was a one off occurrence permitted by the local authorities on a Covid affected business recovery basis. If we wanted to do summer again we would have to finish earlier which would mean reducing the number of competitors and charging those fewer cars more money. The event has always been a club rally available to all and we wish to keep it that way so future events will be in the winter season.

A traditional February date has been offered by Goodwood however my own personal circumstances are such that I can't currently devote the necessary time required to ensure the event is planned to its usual standard.

Thankfully Goodwood are open to us holding it towards the end of the year so we are looking into a late season date which I hope to confirm imminently.

I apologise to anyone left disappointed by the change but rest assured this little event will continue to run each year and we can all enjoy our day at the most competitive single venue event in the country!"

Mark Collings - Event Co-ordinator.

Event Website

Posted: December 31, 2021 3:41 PM

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