Boucles de Spa - NEW DATE 5-6 Mar 22

Posted: December 31, 2021 3:27 PM - 1675 Hits

(WAS 5-6 Feb 22)

The Legend Boucles @ Bastogne 2022 postponed to the weekend of 5 and 6 March

Posted: December 31, 2021 3:27 PM

As the year 2021 is about to draw to a close, the Royal Automobile Club de Spa is likely to surprise many by officially announcing the postponement of the Legend Boucles @ Bastogne 2022 to the weekend of Saturday 5 and Sunday 6... March! The result of long discussions and negotiations with the competent authorities, all against the backdrop of the health crisis, the short and medium term perspectives, and the various decisions of the last Codeco.

“This is obviously not the communication we wanted at the end of the year, but you have to understand that only a few days ago we were on the verge of stopping everything due to the complexity of the task, explains Pierre Delettre on behalf of the organisation. The various requests from the municipality and the province were taken into account, and on this basis, everything was done to find an alternative to the original date. We know that the new dates, the first weekend in March, will not suit everyone. But there is no ideal alternative. Our aim was therefore to find one that would be acceptable to the authorities. Provided that the health situation does not worsen dramatically in February, I think that we can now give a new start to this 2022 edition of the Legend Boucles @ Bastogne..."

At the moment of taking the step towards a year 2022 which is above all the year of hope in a return to normality, the organisers of the Legend Boucles @ Bastogne are doing everything possible so that the public can at least go to the special stages. If it is already a given that the festive part of the event will be reduced to the strict minimum, in order to avoid the concentration of the public in the same places, the rules and the programme remain unchanged. It goes without saying that adaptations may be made in order to respect the sanitary measures that will be in force at the beginning of March.

“Nevertheless, we would like to reassure the crews who have already signed up and who, for one reason or another, find themselves unable to take part in the event at the beginning of March, continues Pierre Delettre. If this is the case, we ask them to contact the organisation and a full refund will be made. The closing date for entries is now Monday 21 February, while the website will be updated very soon...".

It should also be noted that when looking for a replacement date, the R.A.C. Spa was able to count on the total cooperation of Claude Ninane, Eric Gengou and Didier Gathy, organisers of the RAC de Pair, a regularity event initially scheduled for the first weekend of March, who immediately agreed to move their event in order to avoid a regrettable clash. We would like to thank them for this...

As the first weekend of March also corresponds to the end of the carnival school holidays, the organisers have contacted the hotel and catering sector to make sure that hotels, gîtes and other types of accommodation are still available in the region, which is clearly the case. But competitors and other followers should not delay in booking what they can to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Event Website / Details

Posted: December 31, 2021 3:27 PM

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