2021 Riponian Rally - 7 Feb 20 - NOT GOING AHEAD

Posted: December 11, 2020 3:27 PM - 1470 Hits

Event not going ahead

Posted: December 11, 2020 3:27 PM

The Riponian Organising Team, faced with no further clarification about access to the Yorkshire forests in February, coupled with uncertainty of what the future holds for COVID-19 restrictions after the Christmas ‘freedom of movement' have decided that the only sensible thing to do would be cancel the event in February.

Additionally with there being no prospect of access to the forests between March and the end of July, which would then take us into clashes with events planning to use the same forests, unfortunately the only option was to have no Riponian in 2021. We plan to not waste the work the team has put in so far and aim to go again in February 2022.

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