Mayo Autocross (LS) - DATE CHANGE 27 Sep 20 - POSTPONED

Posted: September 3, 2020 4:38 PM - 1540 Hits

WAS 7 Jun 20

Mayo Autocross (LS) - 27 Sep 20 - POSTPONED

Posted: September 3, 2020 4:38 PM

The Club’s Autocross Committee and representatives of the Board of Directors met with management of the quarry after the last event to review the previous two events and to review our plans going forward.

We wish to protect all stakeholders of our events and maintain our good reputation, while also mindful of protecting the high safety standards implemented by management in a working quarry.

Unfortunately, after careful consideration of the ongoing Covid-19 situation, it has been decided in consultation with the Quarry Manager, that it is in the best interests of everyone involved to postpone the next event which was scheduled for Sunday 27th September.

In the meantime, we sincerely thank all at Harrington Concrete and Quarries for their continued support of our events and for all the assistance they provide to us. We also thank all the competitors who have supported us and all the volunteers and officials who have assisted us in running safe, successful and enjoyable events.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to Mayo in the near future.

Event Postponed

Posted: May 17, 2020 5:51 AM

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