Tyneside Stages - 2 Aug 20 - CANCELLED

Posted: March 28, 2020 8:54 AM - 1816 Hits

Event Cancelled

Posted: March 27, 2020 11:46 AM

"Following discussions with Landmarc, we regret to advise you that the 2020 Tyneside Stages Rally organised by Alnwick and District Motor Club and Berwick and District Motor Club is cancelled.

Access to the venue is currently unavailable for all but essential personnel, and we have been advised that this is likely to be the case until July. This obviously has a significant impact on our ability to organise the event from a route and PR standpoint.

Thank you all for your support this year, and we hope to see you on Sunday August 1st 2021."

Many thanks,


Secretary of the Meeting

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