Rali Bae Ceredigion/Cardigan Bay Rally (Closed Road) - 8 Sep 19

Posted: September 8, 2019 2:23 AM - 4901 Hits

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Tom gets set to make history on first event of its kind in Wales

Posted: September 6, 2019 1:18 PM

Tom Cave will travel just a few miles down the coast from his hometown of Aberdovey this weekend to the more southerly seaside resort of Aberystwyth for Sunday's (8th September) inaugural running of the Get Connected Rali Bae Ceredigion.

The event is the first ever stage rally to be held on closed public roads in Wales and therefore, as Tom and his co-driver Dale Bowen from Hirwaun are seeded at number one, they will make history by being the first car to compete on a rally of this kind in their home country.

The event features a route that passes through stunning scenery in the Cambrian Mountains, over roads that have a reputation for their driving appeal and demanding nature.

"From what I've heard, the stages are very technical, so it's going to be interesting to see what the roads are like at competitive speed", explains Tom.

"Being so local, I really wanted to take part in the event and support the organising team, who I know have worked extremely hard to make it happen."

Tom and Dale will contest the event's 44 competitive miles in a similar Hyundai i20 R5 to the one they have been successfully campaigning in the British Rally Championship this year. Tom's car will - as it has been all season - be supplied by leading rally preparation specialists PCRS, who's professionalism and performance has seen the team become a highly respected operation within the sport.

"There's a few crews in R5 and WRC cars this weekend, so there should be a good battle between us and, with this being the first running of the rally, it's going to level the playing field. There's a real buzz about the event, so I'm really looking forward to it."

The rally is based at Aberystwyth University, which hosts the event HQ, start, finish and service area. Tom will lead the 120-car field over the start line outside the National Library of Wales at 9.30am and, after contesting a loop of four stages in the morning, will return to the campus for the lunchtime service halt. Then, following a re-run of the morning's quartet of stages, crews will return to the National Library for the finish from 3.30pm.

Tom’s is supported by: Trailhead Fine Foods and its Get Jerky snack brand, Cambrian Training, Michelin Motorsport, Ponsse UK, Go Fetch Ltd, Intervino, Atech Racing, Hyundai Motorsport Customer Racing and Shukers Hyundai, who are based in the rally's host town of Aberystwyth.

First ever closed road rally in Wales is launched

Posted: April 15, 2019 3:27 PM

The Rali Bae Ceredigion (Cardigan Bay Rally) was launched in impressive style at Aberystwyth University on Friday (12th April), with guests from the local community and the sport of rallying, together with a number of the event’s commercial partners, witnessing the announcement that the first closed road rally to ever be held in Wales will take place this year on 8th September.

The launch began with a welcome reception in the University’s Arts Centre foyer, where those attending were able to find out more about the rally from the storyboards on display and by speaking to the organisers who were on hand to answer questions.

Guests were then invited to take their seats in the University’s cinema to watch the promotional video that not only provided a visual taste of things to come, but highlighted the key features (listed below) that makes this rally the innovative and groundbreaking event that it promises to be.

Following the video, presenters Howard Davies and Emyr Penlan - who spoke in both English and Welsh languages - invited the event’s key officials: Chairman of the organising committee Phil Pugh, Clerk of the Course Wayne Jones, Route Coordinator Andrew Edwards and Commercial Manager Charlie Jukes, to join them on stage to go into further details about the rally and to explain to the audience what’s in store in September.

They were followed by four of the five Rally Ambassadors: M-Sport Ford WRC team driver Elfyn Evans, former WRC co-driver and motorsport mentor Nicky Grist, two-times British Rally Champion Dai Llewellin and 2003 World Champion co-driver Phil Mills, who each spoke of their support for the event and how pleased they were to see the inaugural running of their country’s first closed-road rally. The remaining Ambassador who was unable to attend the occasion is the highly respected Welsh co-driver Ryland James.

Next on the agenda was the announcement that the event’s title sponsor will be the UK’s largest privately owned mobile phone retailer Get Connected, with managing director and regular competitor Damian Cole commenting that he is pleased to be involved with the rally and that he intends to enter the event himself.

The final part of the presentation heard Aberystwyth University Vice Chancellor Elisabeth Treasure explain that she is excited the University is to be the rally headquarters and will host the start, finish and service area locations. She was followed onto the stage by MP for Ceredigion Ben Lake, who said that with the event bringing with it a potential £1.5m boost to the local economy, he is delighted the rally is taking place in his constituency area and is personally committed in helping the event become a success.

Following the presentation, Chairman of the organising committee Phil Pugh said: “The launch event has underlined the enthusiasm that exists for the Get Connected Rali Bae Ceredigion. From the moment the idea for the rally was suggested in April last year, we have been overwhelmed with the support and encouragement we’ve received from everyone involved: our commercial partners, Aberystwyth University, local authorities, businesses and residents, as well as our own car club members - and I have to thank them for all their support so far.

“While there is still a great deal still to do between now and September, the venues are in place and route is all but complete. We are sure the nature of the roads that run through some of the most stunning scenery to be found anywhere in the UK will prove popular with teams and spectators. We therefore hope the rally will become an annual occasion and build into a nationally - if not internationally - acclaimed event.”

About Get Connected Rali Bae Ceredigion

Following Saturday’s showcase scrutineering sessions on the town’s Esplanade, the event starts from the National Library adjacent to Aberystwyth University on Sunday morning and features four special stages in the morning over a series of challenging yet enjoyable to drive roads set in spectacular countryside. Competitors will head back to the campus for the day’s service halt before a repeat of the same four stages in the afternoon and, after completing a total of 43 competitive miles, will return to the University for the finish ceremony.

Organisers believe that the rally will set new standards when it comes to access, convenience, safety and spectacular viewing opportunities for spectators. An innovative Park-and-Ride service will be introduced for the day of the rally, which will see specially chartered buses departing from Aberystwyth every 15 - 20 minutes and take spectators directly to specially designated areas that provide safe and well-positioned vantage points.

The event is endorsed by Visit Wales and Ceredigion County Council and run in accordance with the Government’s Road Traffic Act regulations and guidelines that were updated in 2018 to allow timed competition on closed public roads.

Organisers are delighted to have formed a partnership with Aberystwyth University, its facilities and geographical position making it an ideal location at which to host the event HQ, start, finish and service park. Adding to its appeal, the venue’s 3000+ bed accommodation is being offered to competitors at extremely attractive rates.

The organising team comprises four Welsh Motor Clubs: Newtown and District, Aberystwyth and District, Lampeter and District and Teifi Valley.

Title sponsor for the rally is the UK’s largest privately owned mobile phone retailer Get Connected, which has 50 stores based mainly in Wales, one of which is located in Aberystwyth town centre.

Key features:

    First rally held entirely on closed public roads in Wales
    Eight special stages (four in the morning that are repeated in the afternoon)
    43 competitive miles
    Top quality roads chosen for their driving appeal
    Innovative park-and-ride service for spectators
    Spectacular scenery
    Showcase scrutineering on Saturday on Abersytwyth Esplanade
    HQ, Start, Finish and Service Park at Aberystwyth University
    120 entry capacity
    Competitors from across the UK
    Strong interest from overseas teams
    Lansio rali cau ffyrdd gyntaf yng Nghymru

Lansiwyd Rali Bae Ceredigion (Cardigan Bay Rally) mewn steil arbennig ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ar nos Wener (12fed Ebrill), yng nghwmni gwesteion o’r gymuned leol a byd chwaraeon y rali, ynghyd â nifer o bartneriaid masnachol y digwyddiad, yn tystio cyhoeddiad y bydd rali cau ffyrdd gyntaf erioed i’w chynnal yng Nghymru yn digwydd eleni ar yr 8fed o Fedi.

Dechreuodd y lansiad gyda chroeso yng nghyntedd Canolfan Celfyddydau’r Brifysgol, ble wnaeth y rheiny wnaeth fynychu gael y cyfle i ddarganfod mwy am y rali o’r byrddau stori a oedd yn cael eu harddangos a thrwy siarad gyda’r trefnwyr a oedd wrth law i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau. Yna gwahoddwyd y gwesteion i gymryd i’w seddau yn sinema’r Brifysgol i weld fideo hyrwyddol nad oedd yn unig yn darparu blas gweledol o’r hyn sydd i ddod, ond hefyd amlygodd y nodweddion allweddol (a gweler isod) sy’n gwneud y rali yma’n gystadleuaeth arloesol a fydd gobeithio’n torri tir newydd.

Yn dilyn y fideo, fe wnaeth y cyflwynwyr Howard Davies ac Emyr Penlan - wnaeth drafod yn yr iaith Saesneg a’r Gymraeg - wahodd swyddogion allweddol y digwyddiad: Cadeirydd y pwyllgor trefnu oedd Phil Pugh, Clerc y Cwrs Wayne Jones, Cadeirydd y Daith Andrew Edwards a’r Rheolwr Masnachol Charlie Jukes, i ymuno gyda hwy ar y llwyfan ac i drafod y rali ymhellach ac i esbonio i’r cynulleidfaoedd beth fydd yn eu disgwyl ym mis Medi. Dilynwyd hyn gan bump o Lysgenhadon y Rali: gyrrwr tîm M-Sport Ford WRC Elfyn Evans, cyn cyd-yrrwr WRC a mentor chwaraeon modur Nicky Grist, Pencampwr Rali Prydain ddwywaith Dai Llewellin a chyd-yrrwr Pencampwr y Byd yn 2003 Phil Mills, gyda phob un ohonynt yn sôn am eu cefnogaeth am y digwyddiad a pha mor bles yr oeddent i weld cychwyn rhediad rali cau ffyrdd gyntaf eu gwlad. Y Llysgennad nad oedd yn medru bod yn bresennol ar y noson oedd y cyd-yrrwr parchus o Gymru, Ryland James.

Nesaf ar yr agenda oedd y cyhoeddiad mai noddwr deitl y digwyddiad fydd manwerthwr ffôn symudol cwmni preifat mwyaf y DU sef Get Connected, gyda rheolwr gyfarwyddwr a chystadleuydd rheolaidd Damian Cole yn dweud ei fod e’n bles i fod ynghlwm â’r rali a'i fod yn bwriadu cystadlu yn y digwyddiad ei hun.

Yn rhan olaf y cyflwyniad, daeth Is Ganghellor Prifysgol Aberystwyth Elisabeth Treasure i esbonio ei bod hi’n llawn cyffro bod y Brifysgol yn mynd i fod yn Bencadlys y rali ac y bydd yn cynnal y dechrau, diwedd a’r ardal gwasanaeth. Dilynwyd hi ar y llwyfan gan AS Ceredigion Ben Lake, wnaeth ddweud y gobeithia y daw’r digwyddiad â photensial o £1.5m o hwb i’r economi lleol, mae ef hefyd wrth ei fodd bod y rali’n digwydd yn ei ardal etholaeth ef ac mae’n ymrwymedig yn bersonol i helpu’r digwyddiad i fod yn un o lwyddiant.

Yn dilyn y cyflwyniad, meddai Cadeirydd y pwyllgor trefnu Phil Pugh: “Mae’r digwyddiad lansiad wedi tanlinellu’r brwdfrydedd sy’n bodoli ar gyfer Get Connected Rali Bae Ceredigion. O’r eiliad y cafodd y rali ei hawgrymu mis Medi'r llynedd, rydym wedi cael ein syfrdanu gan y gefnogaeth a’r anogaeth yr ydym wedi eu derbyn oddi wrth bawb sydd ynghlwm: ein partneriaid masnachol, Prifysgol Aberystwyth, awdurdodau lleol, busnesau a phreswylwyr, yn ogystal ag aelodau ein clybiau modur lleol - a rhaid i mi eu diolch am eu cefnogaeth hyd yma.

“Er bod yna llawer eto i’w wneud rhwng nawr a mis Medi, mae’r lleoliadau yn eu lle a’r daith bron wedi ei chwblhau. Rydym yn sicr y bydd natur y ffyrdd sy’n rhedeg drwy beth o olygfeydd mwyaf syfrdanol y byddwch yn eu darganfod unrhyw le yn y DU yn profi’n boblogaidd gyda thimau a gwylwyr. Felly gobeithiwn y daw’r rali’n achlysur blynyddol a’i thyfu i ddod yn ddigwyddiad cenedlaethol - os nad rhyngwladol.”

Manylion Get Connected Rali Bae Ceredigion
Yn dilyn arddangosfa o sesiynau archwilio ar rodfa’r dref, mae’r digwyddiad yn dechrau o’r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yn gyfagos i Brifysgol Aberystwyth ar fore dydd Sul ac yn cynnwys pedwar cymal arbennig yn y bore dros gyfres o heolydd heriol ond eto pleserus ynghanol cefn gwlad syfrdanol. Bydd y cystadleuwyr yn heidio yn ôl i’r campws ar gyfer egwyl gwasanaeth y diwrnod cyn ail-yrru’r un pedwar cymal yn y prynhawn ac, wedi cwblhau cyfanswm o 43 milltir gystadleuol, yn dychwelyd i’r Brifysgol am seremoni gorffen.

Creda’r trefnwyr y bydd y rali’n gosod safonau newydd pan ddaw i fynediad, cyfleustra, diogelwch a chyfleoedd gwylio syfrdanol. Bydd gwasanaeth Parcio a Theithio arloesol yn cael ei gyflwyno ar ddiwrnod y rali, a fydd yn gweld bysau siartredig arbennig o Aberystwyth bob 15 - 20 munud ac yn cymryd gwylwyr yn uniongyrchol i feysydd dynodedig sy’n darparu mannau gwylio diogel a fydd wedi eu lleoli’n dda.

Caiff y gystadleuaeth ei chefnogi gan Groeso Cymru a Chyngor Sir Ceredigion a’i rhedeg mewn cytundeb â rheoliadau a chanllawiau Deddf Traffig Ffyrdd y Llywodraeth a ddiweddarwyd yn 2018 i ganiatáu cystadleuaeth amserol ar ffyrdd cyhoeddus caeedig. Mae’r trefnwyr wrth eu bodd eu bod wedi ffurfio partneriaeth gyda Phrifysgol Aberystwyth, ei chyfleusterau a’i lleoliad daearyddol yn gwneud yn lleoliad perffaith i gynnal Pencadlys y digwyddiad, y dechrau, diwedd a pharc gwasanaethu. Gan ychwanegu i’w hapêl, mae llety gwely 3000+ y lleoliad yn cael eu cynnig i gystadleuwyr ar raddau cystadleuol iawn.

Mae’r tîm trefnu’n cynnwys Pedwar Clwb Modur: Newtown and District, Aberystwyth and District, Lampeter and District a Teifi Valley.

Noddwr deitl y rali yw manwerthwr ffôn symudol cwmni preifat mwyaf y DU sef Get Connected, sydd â 50 o siopau wedi eu seilio fwyaf yng Nghymru, un ohonynt yng nghanol tref Aberystwyth.

Nodweddion allweddol:
    · Y rali gyntaf i’w chynnal ar ffyrdd cyhoeddus caeedig yng Nghymru
    · Wyth cymal arbennig (pedwar yn y bore sy’n cael eu hail-yrru yn y prynhawn)
    · 43 o filltiroedd cystadleuol
    · Heolydd ansawdd uchel wedi eu dewis am eu hapêl gyrru
    · Gwasanaeth arloesol Parcio a Theithio ar gyfer gwylwyr
    · Golygfeydd godidog
    · Arddangosfa archwilio ar ddydd Sadwrn ar Rodfa Aberystwyth
    · Pencadlys, Dechrau, Diwedd a Pharc Gwasanaeth ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth
    · Lle i 120 o geir
    · Cystadleuwyr o ar draws y DU
    · Diddordeb cryf gan dimau tramor

Event Wesbite

Posted: April 15, 2019 3:22 PM

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