The Next Stage Driver & Co-Driver Seminars

Posted: January 15, 2019 9:09 AM - 2102 Hits

London - The Claddagh Ring, Hendon, London NW4 4EA, Friday 1st March 7.30pm

London - The Claddagh Ring, Hendon, London NW4 4EA, Friday 1st March 7.30pm

Posted: January 15, 2019 9:09 AM

London Irish Motor Club is hosting on March 1 a night with Killian Duffy from On the PaceNotes , one of Ireland’s leading pace note suppliers, to do a one-night, three-hour course on taking co-driving to the next level. This has been a successful venture for Killian in Ireland, he has hosted these courses all over the country with newcomers and experienced drivers and navigators getting the benefit from the class.

  • Friday 1st March 7.30pm at The Claddagh Ring, Hendon, London NW4 4EA
  • If you are planning on competing as a Co-Driver or Driver in 2019, this workshop is guaranteed to improve your pre-event, on event, and post event approach
  • If you are a first time Co-driver or Driver this event is guaranteed to give you the knowledge you need in preparing for your first event
  • This is the first workshop Killian will present in the UK, so if you are competing here in 2019, be sure to attend as this workshops will start you off on the right foot
  • You do not need to be a LIMC member to attend this event and is open to all neighbouring clubs
  • Check out the reviews from previous workshops at
  • Contact John F. O'Mahony Sean Moriarty or Paul Mc Devitt to reserve your place, £30 per person in advance, all welcome - phone numbers on the attached flyers.
  • Workshop lasts approx 2 hours with refreshments served It is particularly important with the advent of closed road rallying in England and will help drivers and navigators make better notes, amongst other topics covered.
This will take place in the upstairs room of the Caddagh Ring in Hendon and drivers and co-drivers should attend as a pair (not strictly necessary but you will get more out of this way)

This is open to all clubs in the area

This course will go well beyond an entry to stage rallying type course - the first 15 minutes or so will skirt all that.

This is about atmosphere in the car, during the recce and rally, how to get the most out of the recce , diet and things like who is responsible for what in the car.

The Next Stage Driver & Co-Driver Seminars

Posted: November 7, 2018 6:22 AM

Roscommon, Abbey Hotel, Tuesday 13th Nov, 7.30pm
Monaghan, Westenra Hotel, Wednesday 14th Nov, 7.30pm
Letterkenny, Station House Hotel - Tuesday 20th Nov, 7.30pm
Portlaoise, Midway Hotel - Wednesday 21st Nov, 7.30pm
Ennis, Hotel Woodstock, Wednesday 28th Nov, 7.30pm
Cork - Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas, Monday 10th December @ 7.30pm.
Omagh - Omagh Enterprise Centre, Wednesday 12th December @ 7.30pm

Starts 7.30pm - 9.30pm - tea/coffee break More dates around the country will be added.

To book a place, contact:


Posted: November 7, 2018 6:16 AM

More details and to book a place, contact:

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