Posted: December 18, 2018 10:24 AM - 2498 Hits


Posted: December 18, 2018 10:24 AM

At a recent meeting of the Motorsport Commission, a number of rule changes were passed including the introduction of a revised junior rally class which will be implemented throughout 2019/20. Please find in a link below this paragraph, the details for the new junior class for 2019, class 16. This class will run together, alongside the current junior class (which will be known as class 16A for 2019 only). This is to allow a one year lead in period with the new class 16 becoming the sole junior class by 2020. Both class 16 and 16A will be recognised in both the National Rally Championship and National Forestry Championship for 2019 and both will be recognised for the Billy Coleman award qualifying process for 2019. The Rallies Committee remain hopeful that all Motorsport Ireland events and championships will cater for both classes for 2019 and wish to thank everyone who provided input to the rule change process. The rule change will come into effect on January 1st 2019.

Draft Junior Regulations for 2019 - Consultation period June / July/ August 2018

Posted: June 20, 2018 9:49 AM

"Please see the 1st Draft of the proposed new Junior Regulations for 2019
We would ask that all interested parties wishing to comment on them would do so to the Secretary of the Rallies Committee by e mail at
We would ask all interested parties to study these proposals and give some feedback as the intention is to produce a final Draft by the end of August following the consultation period with implementation on January 1st 2019.
We would ask all clubs/ Championships and Rally Web Pages to publish these so we can get as much feed back as possible.
We would like to thank all the group that produced and helped in any way with this Daft to date and we hope it will help to encourage more young competitors to consider the Junior category on Events and Championships for 2019."

Richard Talbot.
Chairman MI Rallies Committee.

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