MCMC Shackleton Rally - (Sat) 21 Apr 18

Posted: October 1, 2018 7:17 AM - 7708 Hits

Replaced 2018 Lark in the Park

Photo: Gerry O’Doherty

In Car

Posted: October 1, 2018 7:17 AM

Fred Milne & Patrick Walsh (Subaru Impreza WRC S14) SS9

In Car

Posted: October 1, 2018 7:12 AM

Lee McLaughlin & Kirsten McLaughlin (Honda Civic) SS5

Andrew Straney & Alistair Mckee (Vauxhall Astra) SS6

Bradley/Crozier shine through!

Posted: October 1, 2018 6:56 AM

With an unusual hot weather combination combined with a new layout to the Maiden City Motor Club’s rally home in the vast expanse of the MJM Shackleton complex, a unexpected and spectacular 6 stage rally event unfolded under the blue skies in the shadow of Binevenagh in the beautiful County Derry landscape.

The Eakin Izuzu Brian James Trailers Rally, based at the MJM Shackleton complex, features a new start and new finish with a carefully thought out route taking on features that are unique to this expansive course.

With an entry level of almost 40 cars, the Club produced an interesting mix of cars, some keen to test out for the Monaghan rally event on the following day, as well as seasoned and new competitors, keen to cover stage miles and practice on sealed surfaces.

Early leader of the event was number 2 seed PJ McDermott from Burt in Co. Donegal.

Stage 2 saw McDermott’s time improve, and lead the event, but no. 1 seed Pauric Duffy and Kevin Glynn from Monaghan, went on a charge and moved ahead with a best stage time of 3:32 sec., and a highest average speed of the day of 57.2 mph.

P.J. continued to lead the event by stage 3, with a fasted stage time of 3:51 secs, but young Peter Bennett and his even younger navigator, Strabane’s Ethan McColgan, crashed their Evo 9 into a bale on the course, and damaged the front struts on the car, leaving them out of the event.

By stage 5, John Bradley and Co-driver Ryan Crozier from Draperstown in the Escort, began to move up a gear, gaining a time of 3:50 sec, well ahead of the opposition, with PJ McDermott’s car lacking the drive to keep up. As PJ was going to the Monaghan Rally the following day, he said, “I want to preserve the car to ensure it will go the distance in Monaghan tomorrow!”

With John Bradley in the lead, he maintained the distance between himself and Pauric Duffy, who was now on a charge as well, and recorded a fastest stage time on SS6 of 4:04secs., on the longest stage of the rally. Interestingly, Carndonagh man Aaron McLaughlin and his co-driver, recorded fastest stage times off 4:04secs for both stage 5 and 6, but due to the stage max on SS1, were out of contention.

Bradley and Crozier in their Escort II, crossed the line on a time of 23:13secs., 8 seconds ahead of PJ McDermott and Nial Burns’s Subaru. Closely followed by Pauric Duffy and Kevin Glynn.

Other notable local drivers included Class 1 winners Michael and Dessie Nutt from Castlerock, and class 4 driver Robert Reilly and Eamon Conway from Claudy.

Another notable young driver, in his first ever drive in a rally car was Joel Eakin, co-driven by Irish and British Award winning Championship driver, Callum Devine from Park. The Eakin / Devine crew finished a credible 19th place on what was their first event rally with Eakin at the wheel.

Declan McCay, Clerk of the Course thanked Mr Peter Eakin of Eakin Bros., Claudy, for his support of the event, with the Eakin Isuzu, Brian James Trailers brand, and also thanked the MJM Group for their use of the Shackleton venue at Ballykelly, Co. Derry.


Posted: October 1, 2018 6:36 AM

1 John Bradley/Ryan Crozier (Ford Escort MkII) 23:13
2 PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12) 23:21
3 Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Ford Fiesta R5) 23:23
4 James Kennedy/Heather Kennedy (Ford Escort MkII) 23:26
5 Barry Morris/Declan Campbell (Ford Escort MkII) 23:29
6 John Bonner/Denver Rafferty (Ford Escort MkII) 23:41
7 Fintan McGrady/Drew Wylie (Ford Escort MkII) 23:53
8 Chris McGurk/Laim McIntye (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX) 24:24
9 Seamus Morris/Jarlath Kelly (Darrian GTR) 24:28
10 Robert Reilly/Eamon Conway (Honda Civic) 24:30

Class Winners
Class 1:  Michael Nutt/Dessie Nutt (Honda Civic)
Class 2:  Neil Kirkpatrick/Richard Livingston (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)
Class 3:  Stephen Caldwell/Daryl Sproule (Vauxhall Corsa)
Class 4:  Robert Reilly/Eamon Conway (Honda Civic)
Class 5:  Ryan McCusker/Barney Mitchel (Ford Escort MkII)
Class 6:  John Bradley/Ryan Crozier (Ford Escort MkII)
Class 7:  John Bonner/Denver Rafferty (Ford Escort MkII)
Class 8:  Chris McGurk/Laim McIntye (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX)
Class 9:  PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12)
Class 10:  Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Ford Fiesta R5)

Leaders After:
SS1-3 PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12)
SS4-6 John Bradley/Ryan Crozier (Ford Escort MkII)

Stage Winners
SS1 PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12)
SS2 Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Ford Fiesta R5)
SS3 PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12)
SS4 John Bradley/Ryan Crozier (Ford Escort MkII)
SS5 Aaron McLaughlin/Martin Farren (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
SS6 Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Ford Fiesta R5)
& Aaron McLaughlin/Martin Farren (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)

Seeded Entry List

Posted: April 19, 2018 8:37 AM

1 Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Ford Fiesta R5) [10]
2 Aaron McLaughlin/Martin Farren (Ford Fiesta) [8]
3 PJ McDermott/Niall Burns (Subaru Impreza WRC S12) [9]
4 Marty McKenna/Alan Redstone (Ford Fiesta WRC) [9]
5 Peter Bennett/Tommi Meadows (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [8]
6 Paul Rowley/Brian Doherty (Ford Fiesta R5) [10]
7 John Bonner/Martin O'Donnell (Ford Escort Mk II) [7]
8 Barry Morris/Declan Campbell (Ford Escort MKII) [6]
9 John Bradley/Ryan Crozier (Ford Escort MKII) [6]
10 Joe Hegarty/Niall Magee (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) [8]
11 James Kennedy/Heather Kennedy (Ford Escort Mk II) [6]
12 Brendan McDaid/Damien McGettigan (Ford Escort) [7]
14 Trevor McConnell/TBA (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [8]
15 Fintan McGrady/TBA (Ford Escort MKII) [7]
16 Seamus Morris/Jarlath Kelly (Darrian GTR) [7]
17 Lee McLaughlin/Kristen McLaughlin (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5) [8]
18 Joe Gallagher/Paul Ward (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [2]
19 Robert Reilly/Eamon Conway (Honda Civic) [4]
20 Harry White/David Hyde (Peugeot 205 RWD) [6]
21 Chris McGurk/Laim McIntye (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [8]
22 Michael Pickles/Beverley Warren (Ford Escort Mk II) [6]
23 Andrew Straney/Alistair McKee (Vauxhall Astra) [6]
24 Ryan McCusker/Barney Mitchel (Ford Escort MKII) [5]
25 Nollag O Lapain/TBA (Ford Escort MKII) [5]
26 Christopher Gillespie/Martin Harte (Ford Escort MKII) [5]
27 Michael Nutt/Dessie Nutt (Honda Civic) [1]
28 Shane McSorley/TBA (Honda Civic) [1]
29 Darren McGrath/Tony McGovern (Honda Civic) [1]
30 Dean O'Sullivan/Sean Doherty (Honda Civic) [1]
31 Derek Robinson/Darren Flanagan (Toyota Corolla Gp A) [4]
32 Keith Stewart/Patrick Patterson (Nissan Micra) [3]
33 Neil Kirkpatrick/Richard Livingstone (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [2]
34 James Leckey/TBA (Peugeot 106) [4]
35 Ian Duff/Ian Hull (Proton Satria) [4]
36 Philip White/TBA (Nissan Micra) [3]
37 Paddy Quinn/TBA (Ford Escort MKI) [3]
38 Mervyn Tate/Sarah Tate (Talbot Sunbeam) [3]
39 Stephen Caldwell/TBA (Vauxhall Corsa) [3]
40 Joel Eakin/Callum Devine (Peugeot) [3]

PRESS RELEASE 2 - Entries close soon!

Posted: April 16, 2018 12:15 PM

Peter Eakin (Sponsor) and Declan McCay (COC) Photo: Gerry O'Doherty

The Maiden City Motor Club is in the final stages of preparing for their special Stage Rally on the old Lark in the Park date, 21st April 2018. The event will take place in the MJM Shackleton Complex in Ballykelly, Co. Derry.

Beginning last year, Eakin Isuzu / Brian James Trailers has continued their sponsorship for 2018. Mr. Peter Eakin MD of Eakin Bros, and principal dealer for Isuzu / Brian James Trailers said,
“We are happy to continue to assist this a local sporting event. We have a strong brand identity with Isuzu and Brian James Trailers, which fit very well into their local profile as demand for both of these quality products is strong in the North-West and indeed across Northern Ireland. We have increased our market share in a short space of time, and found this motorsport aspect has become a strong showcase for our company. I am happy to continue the association with the Maiden City Motor Club.”

MCMC Club Chairman, Mr. Gerry O’Doherty thanked Mr. Eakin of Eakin Bros., for his continued association with the Club.

Declan McCay, Clerk of the Course for the event gave details of the continued sponsorship deal, and welcomed MD of Eakin Bros., Claudy, Mr Peter Eakin to the build-up for the event.

Mr McCay said, “I would like to thank Peter Eakin and the Eakin family for their continued valued support hoped that the Eakin Isuzu, with Brian James Trailers brand success in the North-West and further afield. This is the third generation of association with Maiden City and the Eakin family, which began in the mid 1970’s when Mr. Jack Eakin of Eakin Bros. hosted and sponsored a number of Maiden City MC events from their then, new Maydown base.”

The Clerk of the Course gave further details of the event, to be held on Saturday 21st April.
“Entries are still open, the event on so get them in do we can start the seeding process. In terms of the rally itself, all change! With final preparations underway, the set-up team are very busy with this new layout in the revised MJM Shackleton complex. With this completely new course, it will be challenging for all competitors, as everything has been changed from what has gone before. Although the drivers and navigators will see the few familiar landmarks, they will be in a totally new perspective. Even the start and finish location are different! Every week-end from Easter until the event on the 21st has been taken up with placing 800 cones, placing 60 bales, and setting up the 29 locations. All from a voluntary team – a big effort, and I thank their dedication.”

Programmes will be on sale locally giving stage details and times.

Regulation and details of the new on-line entry system are available - Link below:


Posted: March 15, 2018 3:29 PM

The Maiden City Motor Club has just announced that it is running its first rally of 2018, a special Stage Rally on the old Lark in the Park date, 21st April 2018. However, for operational changes, the event has been switched to the Shackleton Complex in Ballykelly, Co. Derry.

As part of the MJM Shackleton deal, the Club are pleased to announce the continued rally sponsorship for this 2018 April date again, Eakin Brothers Isuzu is association with Brian James Trailers.

Declan McCay, Clerk of the Course for the event gave details of the continued sponsorship deal, and welcomed MD of Eakin Bros., Claudy, Mr Peter Eakin to the build-up for the event.

Mr McCay said,
“I would like to thank Peter Eakin and the Eakin family for their much valued support again and hoped that the Eakin Isuzu, with Brian James Trailers brand success in the North-West and further afield.” v
In reply, Mr. Eakin said,
“We are happy to assist a local sporting event, and we believe our strong brand identity with Isuzu and Brian James Trailers, fits very well into the profile of his brands and their close association with motorsport and transport.”

The Clerk of the Course gave brief details of the event, to be held on Saturday 21st April, with all 6 stages in a revised MJM Shackleton stage layout at the Ballykelly complex.

Programmes will be on sale locally giving stage details and times.

Lark in the Park 2018 date - change of venue - change of route!

Posted: March 13, 2018 5:45 PM

As we move closer our planned Lark in the Park April date, Maiden City Motor Club has made an operational change to this event, for 2018.
After close negotiation it has been decided to hold our Lark in the Park plans until 2019, and use this year's date at the Shackleton complex in Ballykelly.
On Saturday 21st April, Maiden City MC will organise and promote a new Single Venue Rally covering 6 stages within the confines of the complex.
This will comprise of an entirely new route layout with almost 5 miles per stage.
For this 2018 opening event, Maiden City MC are pleased to announce that Eakin Bros/Izuzu, Brian James Trailers, will continue their Sponsorship for this new event, as they did previously for the 2017 Lark in the Park.

Entries Received / On Line Entry / Regulations / Details

Posted: March 13, 2018 5:44 PM

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