Safety Information Seminar for Marshals, Portlaoise - (Tue) - 31 Jan 17

Posted: January 31, 2017 6:12 AM - 2092 Hits

Final Marshals Awareness Safety Seminar - Portlaoise 31st January 2017

Posted: January 26, 2017 3:34 AM

"Dear All,

Firstly many thanks to everyone for the huge effort in spreading the word on the Safety Seminars. Attendance to date has been really good.

Our final session is on Tuesday Night 31st January in the Maldron Hotel Portlaoise @ 19:30.

Can I ask once again that you encourage anyone who has not yet attended a seminar to attend the final one. The Location is very central.



Aiden Harper
​Secretary to the Rallies Committee ​


Posted: December 15, 2016 4:41 AM

The Rallies Committee are holding a series of Safety Information Seminars for Marshals throughout the month of January 2017. All marshals are requested and encouraged to attend one of these seminars either in their own club area or any other area they may find more convenient.

Topics: Marshal Training 

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