Joint statement on forest stage rally charges in Scotland and England

Posted: September 28, 2016 9:52 AM - 2798 Hits

Joint statement on forest stage rally charges in Scotland and England

Posted: September 26, 2016 6:52 AM

Forest Enterprise Scotland, Forest Enterprise England and the MSA can confirm that they are able to advise rally organisers and competitors of new stage mileage rates from 2017.

The three-year agreement sees a stage mileage increase of five per cent over current rates in 2017, followed by additional five per cent increases in each of the following two years (a total increase of fifteen per cent over three years).

On behalf of the MSA, Rob Jones, Chief Executive, said: “We would like to thank Forest Enterprise in Scotland and England for their continued recognition of the security which the sport needs in order to plan ahead.

“Working in partnership helps to ensure a sustainable and mutually beneficial arrangement that meets the needs of each of the organisations involved. This outcome provides certainty for the next three years, and represents the best arrangement achievable at this time.”

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