Cork Motor Club Charity Table Quiz - (Tue) 15 Dec 15

Posted: December 9, 2015 11:17 AM - 2155 Hits

CMC's Christmas Charity Quiz for Focus Ireland in 2015

Posted: December 9, 2015 11:07 AM

Cork Motor Club's annual Christmas Charity Quiz will take place this year on Tuesday, December 15. Venue will be the club's HQ at The Angler's Rest, Leemount, Carrigrohane, Co. Cork (that's near Ballincollig, on the west side, for any visitors). Check-in time is 8.30pm for an 9pm start.

The main aims of the quiz are the same as always, a light-hearted, fun quiz night to raise some money for charity. This year's recipient will be Focus Ireland. It is open to all. So club members (past, present and even future), their friends, non club members, in fact anyone, are all welcome to attend. Finger food will be provided on the night.
As always, an invitation is extended to the other motor clubs in Co Cork & Munster!

The organising team have not been changed, but some of the questions have been updated! COC for the night will be Brian ( Duggan, with Greg Shinnors there to keep Brian on the straight and narrow.

The format for the night will cover everything under the sun from music to history, travel to film, and even a few motorsport questions will also be included. A donation in aid of charity will be collected from those in attendance on the night. There is no set amount, just give what you can.

Topics: Quiz 

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