Donegal Forest Rally - NEW DATE - (Sat) 21 Mar 15

Posted: December 23, 2015 7:46 AM - 20659 Hits

Round 1 - 2015 Irish Forest Rally Championship

Video Clips

Posted: December 23, 2015 7:22 AM

In Car

Posted: December 23, 2015 7:18 AM

Andrew Purcell and Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX) SS6

John Gordon & Thomas Wedlock (Ford Escort MkII) SS4


Posted: December 23, 2015 7:16 AM


Posted: December 23, 2015 7:11 AM

1 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) 35m 39s,
2 Josh Moffett/Jason McKenna (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) 35m 46s,
3 Michael O'Brien/James O'Brien (Ford Focus WRC) 35m 57s,
4 Niall Henry/John Rowan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) 37m 14s,
5 Mickey Conlon/Ciaran McPhillips (Ford Escort MkII) 38m 09s,
6 David Crossen/Damien Fleming (Ford Escort MkII) 38m 32s,
7 Cathal McCourt/Conor McCourt (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) 38m 37s,
8 Hugh McQuaid/Enda Gerety (Ford Escort MkII) 38m 57s,
9 John Gordon/Thomas Wedlock (Ford Escort MkII) 38m 58s,
10 Damien McGauran/Michaela McGinn (Toyota Corolla) 39m 18s.

Junior Class:
1 Patrick O'Brien/Aine McGuigan (Citroen C2R2 Max).

Leaders After:
SS1 Michael O'Brien/James O'Brien (Ford Focus WRC)
SS2-6 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)

Stage Winners
SS1 Michael O'Brien/James O'Brien (Ford Focus WRC)
SS2 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
SS3 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
SS4 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
SS5 Josh Moffett/Jason McKenna (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
SS6 Josh Moffett/Jason McKenna (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)

Seeded Entry List

Posted: March 17, 2015 10:34 PM

No DRIVER /CO-DRIVER (Car) [Class]
1 Mick O'Brien/James O'Brien (Focus WRC) [7]
2 Desi Henry /Liam Moynihan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
3 Josh Moffett/Jason Mc Kenna (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
4 Enda Mc Nulty/Paul Sherdin (Subaru Impreza WRX) [20]
5 Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
6 Ger Lucey/JJ Cremin (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8) [20]
7 Niall Henry /John Rown (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
8 Andrew Fanning/Derek Gibbs (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) [20]
9 Darren Mc Kelvey /Denver Rafferty (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) [15]
10 Ashley Dickson/TBA (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [4]
11 Cathal McCourt/Conor McCourt (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9) [4]
12 Robert Mc Kelvey /Aaron Johnson (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [15]
14 Ian Graham/Damien Duffin (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
15 Ed Muldoon/Mark Byrne (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6) [20]
16 Ian Chadwick/Kevin Horgan (Subaru Impreza WRX) [20]
17 Mark Murphy/Aoife Murphy (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8) [20]
18 Kenny Bustard/Wendy Blackledge (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5) [15]
19 Brecan Mc Breen/Breen Mc Namee (Subaru Impreza WRX) [15]
20 Nigel Kennedy/Patrick Brides (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9 ) [20]
21 Mickey Carbin/Stephen Thornton (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 4) [20]

201 Adrian Hetherington /Graham Henderson (Ford Escort ) [14]
202 Mickey Conlon/Ciaran Mc Philips (Ford Escort ) [13]
203 Paul Barrett/Barry Ferris (Ford Escort) [13]
204 James Coleman/Pierce Dohney (Ford Escort ) [14]
205 Kevin Eves /Chris Melly (Peugoet 208 R2) [16]
206 Patrick O Brien/Aine Mc Guigan (Citroen C2R2) [16]
207 John Gordan/Thomas Wedlock (Ford Escort ) [12]
208 Alan Atcheson/Keith Curley (Ford Escort) [12]
209 Brendan Campbell/Kevin Creighan (Ford Escort ) [13]
210 David Crossen/Chris Mc Sherry (Ford Escort ) [13]
211 Hugh Mc Quaid /Enda Gerarty (Ford Escort ) [12]
212 Damien Mc Gauran /Michaela Mc Ginn (Toyota Corolla) [13]
213 Steven Corey/Vinnie Boyd (Ford Escort ) [13]
214 Declan Campbell/Joanne Campbell (Ford Escort ) [13]
215 Niall Mc Cullagh/Ryan Mc Closkey (Ford Escort ) [13]
216 Malachay Loughran/Jordan Murphy (Ford Escort ) [12]
217 Sean W. Benskin/Joe Fitzgibbon (Ford Escort ) [12]
218 Emmet Cronin/Kieran Purcell (Ford Escort ) [9]
219 John Taggart/Ronan o Neill (Ford Escort) [13]
220 Mike Garahy/Sean Moynihan (Ford Escort) [10]
221 Ian Downey/William Kelly (Corsa) [16]
222 Ruari Maguire/Brian Hoy (Corsa) []
223 Tom Murphy/Grace O Brien (Ford Escort ) []
224 Alan Moran/TBA (Peugeot 206) [16]
225 Dylan Curley /Barry Mcnulty (Ford Fiesta R2) [16]
226 David Fitzsimons /Derek Lynch (Ford Escort ) []
227 Francis Kelly/Charlotte Egan (Nova) [10]
228 Adam Bustard/Michael Gilmore (Ford Fiesta R2) [16]
229 James Greenan/Paddy Mcrudden (Corsa) [9]
230 Marty Gallagher/Dean O Sullivan (Honda Civic) [16]
231 Brian Little/Bernard Mc SwenneyTyrone (Ford Escort ) [10]
232 Derek Mackeral/Peter Derry (Nova) [16]
233 Hugh Diver/Alvin Alcorn (Toyota Corolla) [11R]
234 Stuart Rankin/Kevin Doherty (Peugeot 206) [2]
235 Peter Mcullogh/TBA (Nova) [10]
236 Aidan Donaghy/Martin Mc Brearty (Peugeot 205) []
237 Ciaran Carr/Shane Carr (Corolla) [10]
238 Adam Lyons/David Turkinghton (Peugeot 205) [10]
239 Stephen Dickson/Tommy Hayes (Fiesta) [2]

Entries Received 7/3/15

Posted: March 13, 2015 11:43 AM

Paul Barrett/B Ferris (Escort)
Marty Gallagher/Dean O Sullivan (Civic)
Adrian Hetherington/Gary Nolan (Escort)
Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Damien Mc Gauren/Michaela Mc Ginn (Corolla)
Ed Muldoon/Mark Byrne (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6)
Dylan Curley/TBA (Fiesta)
Niall Henry/John Rowan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Dessi Henry/Liam Moynihan (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Francis Kelly/Charlotte Egan (Nova)
Darren Mc Kelvey/Denver Rafferty (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 6)
Robert Mc Kelvey/Aaron Johnson (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Kevin Eves/Chris Melly (Peugoet 208 R2)
James Grennan/Seamus Mc Tigue (Corsa)
Vivian Hamill/Paul Hamill (Escort Mk II)
Josh Moffett/Jason Mc Kenna (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Mickey Conlon/Ciaran Mc Philips (Escort Mk II)
James Browne /James Mc Nulty (Escort Mk II)
Paddy O Brien/Aine Mc Guigan (Citroen C2R2)
Enda Mc Nulty/Paul Sheridan (Subaru Impreza WRX)
Sean W Benskin/Joe Fitzgibbon (Escort Mk II)
Mark Murphy/Aoife Murphy (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8)
Nigel Kennedy/Patrick Brides (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
James Coleman/Pierce Doheny (Escort)
Ian Graham/Damien Duffin (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Ian Dickson/Ray Fitzpatrick (Fiesta ST)
Adam Bustard/Michael Gilmore (Fiesta R2)
Conor Harvey/Paddy Mc Daid (Escort)
David Crossen/TBA (Escort)
Brian Little/Bernard Mc Swenney (Escort)
Brendan Campbell/Kevin Creighan (Escort)
Alan Moran/TBA (206)
Stuart Rankin /Kevin Doherty (206)
Derek Mackarel/Peter Deery (Nova)
Ger Lucey/JJ Cremin (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 8)
Hugh Diver/Alvin Alcorn (Corolla)
Stephen Dickson /Tommy Hayes (Fiesta ST)
Ciaran Carr/Shane Carr (Corolla)
Andrew Fanning/Derek Gibbs (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9)
Mick O Brien /James O Brien (Ford Focus WRC )
Ian Downey/William Kelly (Corsa)
Brecan Mc Breen /Breen Mc Namee (Subaru Impreza WRX)
Caolan Gaffney/Barry Mc Gill (Corolla)
John Gordon /Thomas Wedlock (Escort )
Emmet Cronin/Kevin Purcell (Escort)
Mike Garahy/Sean Moynihan (Escort)
Steven Corey/Vinnie Boyd (Escort)

Rally Guide

Posted: March 13, 2015 11:18 AM

Regulations / Entry Form

Posted: March 6, 2015 3:04 PM

For new/additional entries only - entries for postponed day valid for new date:

NEW DATE - 21 Mar 15 - Donegal Forest Stages Rally 2015 is BACK

Posted: January 30, 2015 1:50 PM

Friday 31th January 2015 was a hard day for many. Many parts of the country were gripped with ice and snow and temperatures were below freezing. And it certainly was no different in Donegal. It was also a hard day for the organisers of the 2015 Donegal Forest Stages Rally as they had to make a decision on the running of their event the following day. When the route was examined, the event was deemed not safe to run and the organisers had to postpone the event. Clerk of the Course, the popular local experienced navigator, Johnny Baird commented on that Friday:
“The call made to postpone the Donegal Forest Rally was the right one. Safety is paramount in our sport and this was at the forefront of my decision. It’s a tough ask for any service, marshal, team members, spectator or competitor to endure these conditions.”

Johnny concluded with the following statement
“All going well we will see you sooner rather than later for the 2015 Donegal Forest Stages Rally” And how right was that statement? . All systems are go for the 21st March the new for Allingham Arms Hotel Donegal Forest Stages Rally

The organising committee have been working tirelessly over the past few weeks to secure another date for this event to run on. They would like to thank everyone who has assisted in this process: Motorsport Ireland, Fellow Motor Clubs, The Valvoline Forest Championship Committee, Coilte , The Allingham Arms Hotel and all others bodies associated with the running of the event. Without the help and support of these bodies we would not be bringing you this good news.

See you all on the 21st March.

Donegal Forest Stages Rally 2015 - PRESS RELEASE

Posted: January 24, 2015 10:06 AM

If you go down to the woods around Pettigoe on Saturday 31st Januray, you are sure to be in for a big surprise! Donegal Motor Club, along with a team of volunteers will have transformed those gravel roads into Special Stages and some of the country’s top gravel men will be competing on them. The entry list for the events is already nearly hitting 40 and there is still plenty of time left for it to expand.

Names currently on the entry list include the likes of Adrian Hetherington, Niall Henry Dessie Henry, Mickey Conlon, Viv Hamill, Phillip Morrow, Pauric Duffy, Sam and Josh Moffett and the 2014 Billy Coleman nominee Kevin Eves, who will be in home territory, to name just a few. A full list of entries received can be found on the club website. With the entries open until the 23rd January, this list is set to get even better.

The Junior Category in this event will be strong with the prize incentive for the 1st placed Junior Crew home. Clerk of the Course Johnny Baird and Donegal International Rally COC, Eamon McGee, have been working closely together and have come up with a fantastic prize. The winner of the Junior Category will receive a free entry for the Juniors of the 2015 Donegal International Rally, giving them the opportunity to compete on some of the world best tarmac stages in June.

The fun will all being on Sunday 25th January, with the Press Launch taking place in the Allingham Arms Hotel in Bundoran. The action will kick off at 4pm with rally cars and special guests in attendance. This is your chance to see rally cars close up and to talk with some of the competing crews. Everyone is welcome!

Also taking place on Sunday 25th is the Marshals Training for the event. This will also take place in the Allingham Arms Hotel commencing at 2pm. This training is very worthwhile and anyone intending to volunteers as a marshal should avail of this training.

Clerk of the Course, Johnny Baird who has chosen three demanding forest stages in South Donegal, commented that he was happy with how the event is coming together. He thanks everyone who has made the event happen. Johnny also expressed his thanks to all of the crews who have entered the event so far, and appealed to any crew intending on competing but who haven’t yet entered to please do so before 23rd January. He also appealed to anyone willing to marshal to please get in contact with 086 378 4817 / +353 86 378 4817

Entries Received (22/1/15)

Posted: January 17, 2015 8:52 AM

Marty Gallagher/Dean O Sullivan (Civic)
Adrian Hetherington/Gary Nolan (Escort)
Andrew Purcell/Liam Brennan (Evo 9)
Damien Mc Gauren/Michaela Mc Ginn (Corolla)
Ed Muldoon/Mark Byrne (Evo 6)
Michael Fenny/Alan Lane (Integra)
Dylan Curley/Martin Brady (Fiesta)
Kenny Bustard/TBA (Evo 5)
Pauric Duffy/Kevin Glynn (Fiesta R5)
Niall Henry/John Rowan (Evo 9)
Dessi Henry/Liam Moynihan (Evo 9)
Francis Kelly/Charlotte Egan (Nova)
Darren Mc Kelvey/Denver Rafferty (Evo 6)
Robert Mc Kelvey/Aaron Johnson (Evo 9)
Adrian Beattie/Declan Ryan (Civic)
Kevin Eves/Chris Melly (208 R2)
James Grennan/Seamus Mc Tigue (Corsa)
Vivian Hamill/Paul Hamill (Escort)
Liam Branley/Samantha Branley (206)
Philip Morrow/Jonny Hart (Evo 9)
Sam Moffett /TBA (Evo 9)
Josh Moffett/Jason Mc Kenna (Evo 9)
Mickey Conlon/Ciaran Mc Philips (Escort)
Kieron Graffin/Paddy Robinson (Evo 9)
James Browne /James Mc Nulty (Escort)
Paddy O Brien/Aine Mc Guigan (C2R2)
Enda Mc Nulty/Paul Sheridan (Impreza)
Sean W Benskin/Joe Fitzgibbon (Escort)
Mark Murphy/Aoife Murphy (Evo 8)
Nigel Kennedy/Patrick Brides (Evo 9)
James Coleman/Pierce Doheny (Escort)
Ian Graham/Damien Duffin (Evo 9)
Oran Donnelly/Paul Hughes (Escort)
Michael O Sullivan/Carol O Keefe (Escort)
Ian Dickson/Ray Fitzpatrick (Fiesta ST)
Adam Bustard/Michael Gilmore (Corsa)
Alan Smyth/Mac Kierans (C2R2)
Conor Harvey/Paddy Mc Daid (Escort)
David Crossen/Chris Mc Sherry (Escort)
Brian Little/Bernard Mc Swenney (Escort)
Brendan Campbell/Kevin Creighan (Escort)
Liam Doherty/James Mc Glynn (Corolla)
Alan Moran/TBA (206)
Stuart Rankin /Kevin Doherty (206)
Damien Mc Aleer/Fabien Mc Aleer (Escort)
Derek Mackarel/Peter Deery (Nova)
Ger Lucey/JJ Cremin (Evo 8)
Raymond Doyle/Marc Nugent (Escort)
Hugh Diver/Alvin Alcorn (Corolla)
John Quill/Trisha Hogan (206)
Dominic Leonard/Martin Baxter (Civic )
Stephen Dickson /Tommy Hayes (Fiesta ST)
Ciaran Carr/Shane Carr (Corolla)
Mark Mc Grath/Jarlath Kelly (Escort)
Andrew Fanning/Derek Gibbs (Evo)

Wheels Are Oiled for the 2015 Valvoline Irish Forest Championship!

Posted: January 10, 2015 11:23 AM

The Valvoline Irish Forest Rally Championship starts early this year with the first foray into the forests in Donegal on January 31st. With dedicated TV coverage once again and a seven round calendar featuring many of the best forestry special stages in Ireland, interest is high in the series. The overall title challenge looks to be fought out amongst a contingent of Mitsubishi Evo 9’s.

The 2014 Champion, Cork’s Owen Murphy would like to contest the full series, but budget is an issue.
“It’s a brilliant series, and I would like to commit to the whole championship, but realistically this season we only have the budget at the moment to contest the events that are quite close to home. Last year, it was fantastic to get the title, and it looks ultra- competitive again this season.”
The title race is wide open, and the Moffett’s from Monaghan are amongst the favourites. Josh is planning a full title assault in a new development of the Evo 9 from Gerry McGarrity, whilst older brother Sam will be using his Group N version. WRC Rally GB winner Philip Morrow is also considering entering the Donegal Forestry.
“The car still has a few miles to do before it’s rebuild. It depends on work, but I haven’t ruled out a run out in Donegal and then see from there” commented the Lisburn driver.

Portglenone’s Desi Henry, who won last season’s final Glens of Antrim round is also mounting a full attack in another Group A Evo 9.
“I’m really looking forward to it” commented Desi. “There is going to be some race, particularly with a lot of us competing in similar cars, it could be very close racing in the woods! The series is getting stronger and it’s a varied calendar also.” Desi’s brother Niall will make it a two car PRH Construction team.

Tipped by several drivers as a real threat is the appearance of Andrew Purcell with Liam Brennan co-driving, and in an Evo 9 this time. Andrew, currently in America on honeymoon after his marriage to Sarah Moynihan led the series back in 2008, and has the distinction of winning rounds as a driver and a co-driver.
“Last year we took the Evo 6 to some events, but I was really having to drive it at eleven tenths all the time. I’m hoping that the 9 will make it easier for me, and we really want to have a crack at the title. I’ll probably be quite glad of the break in the middle of the year to re-coup the funds and then it’s all go again!” Adding more spice to the main battle will be the pretty R5 plus specification Fiesta driven by Pauric Duffy, and he is currently on a test programme ahead of round one. Last year’s Bushwhacker round winner Martin Cairns looks set for Donegal too in his S14 Impreza WRC, and with the odd surprise entry still to come, it’s promising to be an epic struggle.

In the coveted Valvoline Two Wheel Drive section, Adrian Hetherington is an early entry for Donegal, and Castleblayney’s Mickey Conlon is set for a title attack. Alan Atcheson is another driver looking set for Donegal, but last year’s champion Shane McGirr has other commitments.
“We are building a house this year, so I won’t be committing to a championship, but will do the odd round” commented Shane. Frank Kelly is in a similar situation.
“Our main focus this year is on the Tarmac National series, but I love the forests and there are rounds of the Irish Forest Championship I will have to be at! Things can change though, as I have a fixed number of rallies planned, but no one around home believes I’ll stick to those!”

The Junior section once again has the bonus of an automatic Billy Coleman Award nomination for the series winner, and last year’s winner Conor McCarthy looks set to make a few more appearances with his Honda in 2015, with Cousin Cal looking to try a different car in the forests also. There is an added incentive for the first Valvoline Junior finisher in Donegal. Thanks to the motor club the winner will receive a free entry to the Junior section of the Donegal International in June!

The ever present class battles will fought out all season, and the ever important clubmen will thrill the crowds as they slide sideways around the Irish Forestry roads. If you go down to the woods on the 31st January you’ll be sure of a few surprises!

Junior Delight for the Donegal Forestry Rally

Posted: December 21, 2014 7:05 PM

The upcoming Donegal Forestry Rally in January will provided one lucky Junior Crew with the chance to tackle some of the most demanding stages in Ireland in the month of June. The Donegal Forestry Rally will offer the highest placed registered Valvoline Championship Junior Crew a free entry to the junior event in the 2015 Donegal International Rally.

With the recent announcement of Dean Raftery as the Billy Coleman award winner last week, this prize comes at a great time for junior rallying in fact Raftery done the 2012 Junior Forest Championship before moving to the BRC Challenge and onto the BRC Championship were his talents shown through. The 2015 Overall Junior Valvoline Championship winner will also receive a nomination for the Billy Coleman Award this year and the prize of days Rallying on classic Donegal Tarmac Stages should stand any driver good in their quest for the coveted Coleman Award. Speaking about the prize up for grabs COC for the Forest Rally and well know Co-Driver Johnny Baird said
“ It’s a great opportunity for any young driver to show what they can do on both gravel and tar and we hope that prizes like these can entice more Junior crews into the ever growing Forest Championship in 2015“ .

The Junior crews will compete on all 6 stages of the 62 Km Event which is the opening round of the 7 event season , the Championship Chairman Ray Fitzpatrick spoke about the incentive
“ What a fantastic prize for the Donegal Motor Club to offer and big thanks must go to Johnny and Eamon Mc Gee for their support and putting the competitor at the fore front of their plans coupled with the interest being shown from the UK this is shaping up to becoming a great event, as Chairman this should bring a lot more Junior crews to the event in search of this fantastic prize “ .

Event Poster

Posted: November 21, 2014 10:50 PM

Club Website

Posted: November 21, 2014 10:49 PM

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