Lynn Charity Stages - CANCELLED

Posted: October 14, 2013 2:35 PM - 1955 Hits

Lynn Charity Stages - 20 Oct 13

2013 Lynn Stages Cancelled

Posted: October 14, 2013 2:35 PM

"It is with huge disappointment we have to cancel this year’s Lynn Charity Stages. We were informed that our booking of Sculthorpe had been cancelled due to high priority military training over the weekend of our event.

As you can imagine, as a small organising team we are gutted to have got so close to the event with all the preparation complete for what was shaping up to be our best event for several years – the entry level was excellent, the stages were very good and we were looking forward to being able to present our charity partner, the East Anglian Air Ambulance, with a sizeable donation after the event. With championship calendars and personal commitments of everyone involved (including the comptetitors, marshals and suppliers), it was just not feasible to reschedule or relocate at such short notice.

We thank you all for your support of our event. We will be back next year, the planned date is October 19th 2014. We hope to see you back at Sculthorpe then."

Paul Davison
Event Secretary

Regulations / On line Entry

Posted: August 28, 2013 11:44 AM

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