Anne Casey Joy Memorial Classic Car Run - (Sat) 26 May 12

Posted: May 24, 2012 3:23 PM - 3459 Hits

In aid of MS Ireland - Saturday 26th May @ 11am
Starting at the Gleneagle Hotel - Killarney
90 mile route including the famous Molls Gap, Ballaghbeama, Ballaghasheen Pass, Caragh Lake and Shanera.

Pictured at the launch of the second annual Anne Casey Joy Memorial Car Run
which will leave the Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney on Saturday May 26th in aid of MS Ireland,
were Declan Casey, Irish Escort Club, Siobhan Lynch, MS Ireland, Billy and William Joy,
Tomas Flynn, Niall Murphy, Millstreet Motorcycle Training and Liam Kealy, Gleneagle Hotel.
Photo: Ger Cronin


Posted: May 19, 2012 12:57 PM


Posted: May 12, 2012 9:56 AM

On Saturday, 26th May 2012 all makes and models of classic cars will head off on a 90 mile route tour of the mountains of Kerry on the Anne Casey Joy Memorial Classic Car Run 2012 to raise awareness and funds for the Multiple Sclerocis Society of Ireland.

Starting this year from the GLENEAGLE hotel @ 11am.
Last year's event:

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