Carlow Sprint - (Mondello) - 11 Mar 12

Posted: March 12, 2012 10:44 AM - 5502 Hits

Full Results

Posted: March 12, 2012 10:44 AM

1 Sylvie Mullins (Gould GR37-Judd) 3m 12.19s,
2 Simon McKinley (Reynard 873-Connaught) 3m 23.98s,
3 Peter Dwyer (Dallara F399 Renault) 3m 32.57s,
4 Michael Roche (Dallara 397 VW) 3m 32.86s,
5 Joe Courtney (OMS-Suzuki) 3m 34.30s,
6 Dermot Nolan (Reynard 873-Connaught) 3m 36.43s,
7 Rory Stephens (Radical SR3 Hayabusa Turbo) 3m 38.11s,
8 Adrian McCallion (Normandale-Suzuki) 3m 38.98s,
9 John Byrne (Jedi-Honda) 3m 43.63s,
10 Martin Tracey (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo) 3m 48.86s.

Class winners:
Tom Sheehan (Micra) 4m 37.66s,
Noel O’Brien (Peugeot 205) 4m 24.30s,
Seamus Hobbs (Mini) 4m 05.83s,
Rory Stephens,
Wolfgang Schnittger (MG Midget) 4m 24.93s,
Cillian Connole (Wimhurst FF1600) 4m 29.48s,
Joe Courtney,
Simon McKinley,
Patrick Egan (Nova) 4m 27.14s,
Pat Delaney (Sunbeam) 4m 28.11s,
John Lynch (Citroen C2) 4m 16.75s,
Brendan Donnelly (Escort) 4m 20.75s,
Torsten Schmidt (Escort) 4m 00.80s.

List of Entries

Posted: March 9, 2012 1:00 PM

Name (Car) [Class]
Adrian McCallon (Nomandale Suzuki) [6]
Andrew Sheehan (Vauxhall Nova) [8]
Bob Rowe (Fiat Uno) []
Cillian Connole (Ford Whimhurst) [5]
Clive Brandon (Lotus Type 47) [4]
Colm Mullin (Ford Fiesta) [2]
Con Byrne () [7]
Con Mulcahy (Vauxaul Nova) [9]
David James (Evo ) [3b]
Denise Ryan (Fiat Abarth) [3a]
Derek McKerring (Citroen C2) [9a]
Dermot Nolan (McKinley Reynard) [7]
Des Ryan (Opel Corsa) [10a]
Eamonn Hutton (Mitsubishi Evo) [3b]
Eddie Power (Toyota Carolla) [3b]
Fergal Allen (BMW) [3B]
Fiona Driver (Fiesta Mk1) [9]
Graham Kelly (Ford Escort) [10a]
Ian Gunning (Ford Escort Mk2) [10a]
Jack Deegan (Peugeot 205) [10a]
Jack Kingston (Lotus Elan) [4]
Joe Courtney (OMS Hornet) [6]
John Hade (Ford Escort Mk2) [10a]
Mark Carroll (Toyota Starlet) [3b]
Mark Dempsey (Mygale GM Vauxhaul) [7]
Martin Flanagan (Subaru Legacy) [3B]
Martin Hendrick (Vauxaul Nova) [8]
Michael Melia () []
Michael Roche (Dallara 391) [7]
Michael Walsh () [9]
Mike Croker (Citroen C2) [9a]
Niall O'Brien (Peugeot 205) [9]
Noel Greene (Evo 9) [3b]
Noel O'Brien (Peugeot 205) [2]
Paddy Johnson (Opel Astra) [10a]
Pat Delaney (Sunbeam) [9]
Pat Murphy (Peugeot 205) [10a]
Patrick Egan (Vauxhall Nova) [8]
Peter Dwyer (Dallara F3) [7]
Peter O'Brien (Peugeot 205) [9]
Rachel McGee (Honda Civic) [8]
Rory Stephens (Radical Turbo) [3b]
Russell Dagg (Ford Escort Mk2) [9a]
Seamus Hobbs (Mini) [1]
Silvia Mullins (Gould GR37) [7]
Simon McKinley (McKinley Reynard) [7]
Stephen Delaney (Sunbeam) [9]
Thomas Rafferty (Vauxaul Nova) [9a]
Thomas Tutty (Peugeot 205) [9]
Tom Sheehan (Nissan Micra) [1]
Torsan Smyth () [9]
Trevor Hutton (Mitsubishi Evo) [3b]
Vincent Deery (Vauxaul Nova) [3a]
William Cecil (Peugeot 205) [2]
William Tutty (Peugeot 205) [9]
Willie Fitzpatrick (Mini) [8]
Willie Lawrence (Ford Escort Mk2) [10a]
Wolfgang Schnittger (MG Midget) [4]

Regulations / Entry Form (Updated)

Posted: February 17, 2012 3:53 PM

Change of Venue to Mondello

Posted: February 7, 2012 1:06 PM

Carlow Car Club would like to inform competitors that they have a change of venue for their annual sprint on March 11th the event which was due to take place in Tynagh will now take place in Mondello Park.
The full international track will be used for the event and each run will consist of 2 laps of the full circuit which will total approximately 7 km.
Entry forms and regulations for the event will be available shortly.

Club Website

Posted: February 7, 2012 1:06 PM

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