2011 Gerry MacNamara Memorial Award

Posted: October 14, 2011 8:12 AM - 1252 Hits

Gerry MacNamara Memorial Award Nominations

Posted: October 13, 2011 2:31 PM

Monaghan Motor Club

Nominations via e-mail to be sent to totten@eircom.net on or before Friday 28th October 2011.

The award shall be made to the person, who in the opinion of the club, made the most outstanding contribution to the club

That person shall be one whose commitment and services have been consistent and over an appreciable period of time. One who has worked regularly for the general good of the club.

That person is one who makes himself / herself available for services that are behind the scenes and may at times be laborious as well as the more high profile appearances.

That person may have contributed greatly to promoting the club’s best interests where and whenever the opportunity arises. That promotion might at times be outside the realms of events and of competing and of the immediacy of the club.

While an active competitor is not excluded the award is not won in recognition of achievements in events as this recognition is widely catered for already. Results in events will play no part for such person in the final decision.

The award is not exclusive to club membership but the successful recipient, if not a member, shall be one who has close and ongoing connections with the life of the club and of the sport.

In being honoured by this awardship will replace the pattern practised over many years of acquiring some item on an ad hoc basis for a presentation in recognition of an individual’s retirement or for some other meritorious situation.

No person may win the award a second time within a minimum of six years.

The person thus honoured by this award shall be identified by a panel of five persons; three of whom are committee members with an established record in the club and a further two from outside the committee who must also have an established record in the sport.

The five person panel will be appointed by the committee of the club.

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