Cork MC Navigation/Rally Classes - Starting (Tue) 27 Sep 11

Posted: September 26, 2011 12:51 PM - 3289 Hits

Five night course to help newcomers into rallying

Posted: September 22, 2011 3:10 PM

The aim of the course is to give an introduction to the navigation side of rallying and to arm potential navigators with the tools required to be successful in the sport. The course, while designed to encourage navigators into the sport, will also be beneficial to those who wish to drive. Location,Commons Inn Hotel, Mallow Road, Cork.

The expected course format is as follows,

  • Night 1, 27th Sept ,7.30pm* , Registration , Introduction, course overview, Getting started.
  • Night 2, 4th Oct , 8.00pm , Night Navigation Trials.
  • Night 3, 11th Oct, 8.00pm , Stage Rally.
  • Night 4, 18th Oct 8.00pm , Practical Night , pre event scrutiny trough to results,
  • Night 5, 25th Oct 8.00pm Forum.

    *Note: The 7.30 pm start on night one is to facilitate registration.
Useful equipment to bring to the course,:
A 1:50,000 Roamer(device used to plot map references) , Pencils, Writing Pad , Pens and an ordnance survey map, sheet no. 80(Cork-Mallow area) 1:50,000 series.

The guest speakers to include Greg Shinnors, James O Brien and Paul Nagle (subject to availability).

The fee of €10 for non club members can be redeemed towards new membership during the course or up to 15th November 2011, and the membership will be valid for 2012.

Back to school time as club organise rally navigation course

Posted: August 26, 2011 5:27 PM

Club competitors Brendan Fahy and Jerry Hynes have got together to organise a Rally Navigation course next month at the Commons Inn Hotel. The classes will run for five Tuesdays from September 27 to October 25 inclusive, covering navigation trials and stage navigation plus other areas of rallying.

The course will be open to non club members at a charge of €10, which can be redeemed against new membership. There will be no charge for current club members.

Final details are being finalised at present and further information will be available here on the club website as soon as it is available. Check back later.

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