MSA warns that Forestry Commission issue is not resolved

Posted: February 18, 2011 2:39 PM - 3977 Hits

MSA warns that Forestry Commission issue is not resolved

Posted: February 18, 2011 2:39 PM

The Motor Sports Association welcomes yesterday’s government announcement that the consultation process over the proposed sell-off of Forestry Commission land has been halted.

The proposals, as they stood, posed a very real threat to the continuance of forest stage rallying in England and the MSA would like to thank every member of the motor sport community that took the trouble to respond to the consultation and more importantly to write to their MP.

However, the issue has not disappeared and the MSA is warning against complacency in light of the announcement that the government will establish an ‘independent panel of experts to look at public access and biodiversity within the publicly owned woodland.’

“We must continue to raise awareness of the importance of forest access to UK motor sport,” says Colin Hilton, MSA Chief Executive. “Rights of access will be top of the agenda of this new panel, but if the motor sport lobby is not heard, the panel may consider the interests of walkers, cyclist and horse-riders, rather than those of motor sport.

“The MSA will continue to keep up the pressure within Westminster, but we would again urge all motor sport enthusiasts to write to their MP to remind them of the vital role of the forests in UK motor sport.”

The Motor Sports Association has prepared a revised letter and briefing document for people to send to their local MP. These are available from MSA Website:

MSA responds to Forestry Commission consultation

Posted: January 29, 2011 8:09 AM

The Motor Sports Association (MSA) is calling on the motor sport community to ensure that the sport’s voice is clearly heard as the UK government considers the future management and ownership of the public forest estate in England.

Following the publication of the coalition government’s proposals yesterday (Thursday), the MSA is now urging all motor sport competitors, businesses and supporters to get involved with the public consultation which will run until 21 April 2011.

All the relevant documentation can be found online at

and the response survey can be completed online or in hard copy format. Interested parties from across the UK can legitimately get involved in this consultation if they use or might use the forest estate in England or could be affected by any potential change in policy.

Alongside the public consultation, the Motor Sports Association will be making its case directly to the relevant government departments to ensure that the interests of the motor sport community are championed and that ministers, advisors and civil servants are fully aware of the importance of forest access.

The facts and figures:
    • Total revenue collected and paid to the Forestry Commission (2010): £821,645
    • Number of motor sport events held on Forestry Commission land (2010): 41
    • The average road bill of a Stage Rally (2010): £25,950
    • Value to the UK economy of the UK motor sport industry (Source: MIA): £4.5bn
Colin Hilton, MSA Chief Executive:
“We have been waiting with interest to see what the government would propose and we are encouraged by their insistence that current rights of access for leisure and recreation will be preserved and perhaps even legislated for. However, we cannot be complacent and it is vital that everyone involved in the sport takes the trouble not only to fill in the consultation document, but also to make a personal approach to their local MP.

“We accept that motor sport may be regarded as a minority activity, but it brings a great deal of revenue to the Forestry Commission and it helps to sustain one of the most successful British industries. Access to the forests is absolutely critical to the sport and we will be making representations directly to the government to ensure that they realise the importance of the public forest estate to our activity.”

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