MSA issues Environmental Spill Kits

Posted: January 5, 2011 3:45 PM - 2569 Hits

MSA issues Environmental Spill Kits

Posted: January 5, 2011 3:45 PM

The Motor Sports Association (MSA) has spent more than £25,000 in order to supply a free ‘Environmental Spill Kit’ to every event-organising MSA club. The Spill Kits were despatched over the Christmas period and will all be received in time for the coming season.

The kits are designed to deal with automotive fluid spills of up to 14 litres, although most spillages involve a lesser quantity; in 2009 the MSA provided each Rescue and Recovery unit with a similar kit, which was able to handle a 7-litre spillage.

Each Spill Kit is supplied in a sealed container and comprises a number of absorbent pads, a quantity of absorbent granules and a sealable heavy-duty bag into which used materials are placed for disposal.

On 1 January 2011 new MSA Regulations came into force requiring organisers of certain events to provide Environmental Spill Kits in paddock areas. In addition, competitors in a number of disciplines will themselves be required to carry a smaller version of the kit (capable of dealing with a 1.25-litre spill) from the start of the year.

MSA Technical Director John Symes said:
“As the governing body, the MSA has a duty to ensure that UK motor sport takes its environmental responsibility extremely seriously. Spill Kits are an essential part of fulfilling that responsibility and the MSA is making a substantial investment in these kits to ensure that everyone is able to implement best practice throughout the sport.”

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