Phoenix Park Race Meeting - CANCELLED

Posted: July 27, 2010 12:47 PM - 3114 Hits

Phoenix Park Race Meeting - 14-15 Aug 10

EVENT CANCELLED - Statement from Motorsport Ireland

Posted: July 27, 2010 12:47 PM

It is with sincere regret that Motorsport Ireland announces that this year’s racing event in the Phoenix Park is cancelled.

The funds required to build the circuit and run the event are a fine balance between Sponsorship and Competitor Entry Fees and, unfortunately, in the current economic environment, both elements have failed to generate sufficient income for the event to be viable.

Motorsport Ireland wishes to thank the Office of Public Works, National Historic Properties and the management of Farmleigh, for all the assistance and support given towards the running of this year’s event.

Sincere thanks also to those sponsors and competitors who were committed, and to all of the volunteers who were ready for this year’s event and without whom it would never run.

2010 Celebrating 107 years of racing in the Park

Posted: May 5, 2010 3:32 PM

Following the highly successful running of the 2009 Phoenix Park Motor Races, Motorsport Ireland in conjunction with the Phoenix Park Organising Committee, are delighted to announce that the date for this event in 2010 will be 14th. & 15th. August.

The circuit to be used for the 2010 races will be the Oldtown Circuit, with a change to Mountjoy Corner. The Office of Public Works, to whom we are very grateful for allowing us the use of the Park, are making some changes. These changes have been made in consultation with Motorsport Ireland and the Organising Committee.

The arrangements for the Paddock in Farmleigh proved very successful and after some discussion with the management in Farmleigh, extra facilities have been offered.

More Details on the Event Website:

Event Website

Posted: January 1, 2010 12:01 AM

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