Connacht Autocross (LS) - 11 Apr 10

Posted: April 15, 2010 11:21 AM - 5399 Hits

Round 1 - 2010 Connacht Autocross Championship


Posted: April 15, 2010 11:21 AM

Details / Regulations and Entry forms

Posted: March 22, 2010 10:08 AM

Regulations and Entry forms are currently available for downloading at the club website for the first Connacht Motor Club loose surface event on the 2010 callendar .

Entries open immediately and close on Wenesday April 7th . Slight changes will be introduced to the 2010 track to address concerns of tyres on some inner corners which will be replaced with penalty markers.
Timing will be based on the competitors fastest two out of three timed runs of the day , and in the event of not recording a second time then a stage maximum will be applied.
The venue will continue provide a competitive, safe and enjoyable facility for all classes.

To add an additional interest across the four rounds , the club are hosting a Class based Championship which commences at the opening round with the best three out of four rounds to count. Like any class based series , consistency will deliver results and an overall winner can emerge from any class .Full details of the championship will become available on the web site and will be also announced at drivers briefing.

Clerk of the Course for the April event is Joe Corcoran .

Scrutiny commences at 8.30am with first timed at 11.00

Their again will be no Spectator access to the venue at the request of the owners and the entrance gate will be manned by Private Security.

Club Website

Posted: January 1, 2010 12:01 AM

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