Evolution Challenge draws to a close in UK and Ireland

Posted: December 8, 2010 12:58 PM - 5163 Hits

Evolution Challenge draws to a close in UK and Ireland

Posted: December 8, 2010 12:58 PM

After running for ten consecutive years in the UK and three in Ireland, organisers of the Mitsubishi Ralliart Evolution Challenge have decided to bring the series in both these countries to a close.

Starting life in 2001, the Evolution Challenge has seen over 150 different crews registering during its 10-year history. It is also believed to be the only manufacturer-backed rally series that has run continuously for this length of time in the UK.

Due to the decline in numbers, as the recession has hit entry lists of even the most popular rallies, added to a change of marketing posture adopted by Mitsubishi over the past few years, 2010 has been confirmed as the final season for the UK and Irish Evolution Challenges.

“We’ve had ten great years and achieved what we set out to achieve,” said Evolution Challenge founder and coordinator Simon Slade.
“We’ve crowned 10 Champions and, for five of them, we awarded the best prize they could have wished for with an official Mitsubishi works drive.”

Slade added:
“We’ve presented £100,000s worth of prizes and achieved some great media coverage, plus the championship has been as social as it has been competitive and therefore everyone that has been involved will take away some fond memories. But sometimes you have to know when to close the book and I believe that time is now.”

However, in Sweden things are very different and Slade is delighted to confirm that the Evolution Challenge will continue for its fourth season over there. Additional support has been pledged and a further increase in entry numbers is predicted.

Slade also reported that, if circumstances permit and an opportunity exists, the Evolution Challenge may be introduced in other countries. Rumors also suggest that he is working on other projects.

“I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mitsubishi in the UK and Ireland, all of the sponsors, teams, drivers, co-drivers and friends for their support and commitment over the past ten years. It’s been an incredible journey and I could not have done it without them,” concluded Slade.

Evolution Challenge Role of honour

UK Driver Co-driver
2001 Leon Pesticcio Howard Davies
2002 Jeremy Easson Nigel Gardner
2003 Brendan Crealey Andy White
2004 Rory Galligan Jonty Bolsover
2005 Ryan Champion Craig Thorley
2006 Gwyndaf Evans Huw Lewis
2007 Phillip Morrow Patrick Walsh
2008 David Bogie Martin Brady
2009 Daniel Barry Martin Brady
2010 Jonny Greer Asta Sigurdartottir

Evolution Cup
2006 Anthony Willmington Andy White
2007 Miles Johnston Ian Bevan

2008 Brendan Cumiskey Domhall McAllaney
2009 Neil McCance Donnacha O’Callaghan
2010 Brendan Cumiskey James O’Reilly

2008 Andreas Magnusson Henrik Hulterskog
2009 Jocke Nyman Bo Holmstrand
2010 Jimmy Joge John Stigh

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