Cork Motor Club Charity Table Quiz - (Tue) 18 Jan 11

Posted: January 5, 2011 4:30 PM - 4128 Hits

Tuesday, January 18 (2011) is the new date for Charity Quiz

Posted: January 5, 2011 4:30 PM

While the weather might have beaten us in December, questions will be asked (and hopefully answered) on Tuesday, January 18.
Venue is the club's HQ Commons Inn and time is 8pm for an 8:30pm start. COCs Brian Duggan and Greg Shinnors have revamped any questions that needed revamping so we can look forward to a light-hearted, sociable night that will provide some money for charity. A reminder that the event is open to all club members (past, present and even future) plus friends and relations.

More Details:


Posted: December 19, 2010 4:26 PM

Cork Motor Club Charity Table Quiz due to take place on Tuesday 21st of December has been postponed.

New Date - TBA

Annual Charity Quiz all set for Tuesday December 21, 2010

Posted: November 16, 2010 2:53 PM

Cork Motor Club's annual Christmas Charity Quiz will take place this year on Tuesday December 21. Venue, as usual, will be the club's HQ at the Commons Inn Hotel, on the new Mallow Road, Blackpool, Cork.

The event has now been running for a good number of years and has always proved to be a light-hearted, sociable night and provides a some money for charity.

All are welcome to attend.

Brian Duggan and Greg Shinnors will be back again this year to give the questions and calculate the scores.

Sign-on, scrutiny and documentation takes place from 8pm for an 8:30pm start. And entries will be taken on the line. (somebody tell Motorsport Ireland, please). Some questions on the night will probably be related to motorsport in some form or other, but a knowledge of music may also be helpful.

All are welcome on December 21 for what has always been a very enjoyable night's entertainment. A donation in aid of charity will be collected from those in attendance on the night. There is no set fee. Give what you can.

Topics: Quiz 

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