Annual Meeting - Rallies Committee & Motor Clubs - (DATE CHANGE) Wed 15 Sep 10

Posted: August 16, 2010 3:34 PM - 3305 Hits

Annual Meeting - Rallies Committee & Motor Clubs - (DATE CHANGE) Wed 15 Sep 10

Posted: August 16, 2010 3:34 PM

"The Annual Meeting between the Rallies Committee and the Clubs which was due to take place on Wednesday next August the 18th in the Green Isle Hotel Dublin has been postponed until Wednesday September the 15th. (Also in the Green Isle Hotel at 7.30).
This is as a result of requests from clubs to have the "The Way Forward" document put on the Agenda of this meeting and also to allow clubs a chance to meet and discuss this Document which all clubs received on Friday last August the 13th.
As a result of these requests the Rallies Committee have decided to Defer this Meeting to Wednesday September the 15th at 7.30pm in the Green Isle Hotel Dublin."

The Way Forward Documentation is available on the Motorsport Ireland Website:
Direct Link:

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