MSA - Reverse gear clarification for Sprint & Hill Climb

Posted: February 2, 2010 1:05 PM - 2574 Hits

MSA - Reverse gear clarification for Sprint & Hill Climb

Posted: February 2, 2010 1:05 PM

The Motor Sports Association has issued a clarification of the regulation regarding the reverse gears of vehicles competing in Sprints and Hill Climbs.

From 1st January 2010, Road-Going Series Production and Road-Going Specialist Production Cars must have a reverse gear operable at all times.

For Modified Limited Production, Modified Specialist Production Cars, Hill Climb Super Sports, Sports Libre and Racing Cars, a reverse gear is not required.

This clarification has been necessitated by the implementation of mandatory categories for 2010 and will prevent the dilution of the Road Classes by competitors who are running Specials.

Topics: Hillclimb 

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