IMRC Retrospective Trial - 18-20 Sep 09

Posted: October 2, 2009 1:09 PM - 4829 Hits


Posted: October 2, 2009 1:09 PM

1 Eamonn Byrne/Paul Phelan (Mini Cooper S) 107 marks,
2 Mark Doran/Nikki Doran (Ford Escort) 165m,
3 Frank Lenehan/Anthony Preston (Datsun 100A) 182m,
4 Frank Fennell/Paul Bosdet (Alfa Romeo Giulia) 196m,
5 Lucy Whitford/Kathryn Millington (Mini Cooper S) 223m,
6 Owen Whelan/Joanna Doran (Toyota Starlet) 243m,
7 Joe Reynolds/Vincent Fagan (MGB GT) 259m,
8 Steve Griffin/Alan Dorman (Opel Kadett) 262m,
9 Ronnie Mitchell/Aaron Mitchell (Gilbern Invader) 307m,
10 Dermot Carnegie/Kevin Savage (Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint) 335m.

Class winners:
Lucy Whitford/Kathryn Millington,
Frank Fennell/Paul Bosdet,
Joe Reynolds/Vincent Fagan,
Frank Lenehan/Anthony Preston,
Owen Whelan/Joanna Doran.

Newcomers’ Award:
Craig O’Rourke/Diarmuid Murphy (Starlet) 485m.

Regulations / Details

Posted: January 1, 2009 12:01 AM

Now that the summer sun is fading and the autumn leaves will be falling, its that time to head in to the Wicklow hills in search of secret ITC's and lonely Time Points.

Regulations and the Entry Form are now available for the 2009 IMRC:Irish Rally Retro, once again based in Sandyford, Dublin 18.

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