Rallies Committee Resignations
Posted: December 31, 2009 1:18 PM - 16412 Hits
'Issues Resolved'
Posted: December 31, 2009 11:09 AM
on Motorsport Ireland Website:
"Following a meeting of all affiliated motor clubs on Wednesday 30th December in Portlaoise, the Motorsport Commission and the Motorsport Ireland Rallies Committee are pleased to announce that all outstanding issues have been resolved.
The 2010 motorsport calendar will now commence on the 1st January with the support of all parties.
This, as agreed, will be the only statement on the matter. "
Statement by the former Rallies Committee of Motorsport Ireland 30th December 2009.
Posted: December 30, 2009 1:36 PM
On the 21st December 2009 two teams of negotiators, from the Commission of MI and the former Rallies Committee, met at Dawson Street in Dublin. We have been inundated with requests from the media and others for information about that meeting but have withheld doing so as the parties were urged, in the interests of a settlement, to keep the discussions confidential.
While no settlement was achieved, it was certainly within reach. The next day, however, and contrary to the confidentiality terms, the President of the Commission decided to give an interview to RTE.
In this interview he suggested that while both himself and another official were willing to stand down from certain positions, this was not enough to satisfy the former members of the rallies committee. He failed to disclose that it was a demand from the Commission, not the Rallies Committee, which led to the breakdown of the meeting
The Rallies Committee members were satisfied with the terms of settlement hammered out over 7 long hours by the mediator at Dawson Street, all of which were agreed in principle by both delegations. But the Commission had a further demand.
The Commission insisted on the resignation of Mr. James Coleman as a condition of settlement. This was the stumbling block that prevented an agreement, nothing else. It was improper for the President of the Commission to suggest otherwise in the national media or, indeed, to be commenting at all.
No good reason was given for this demand, nor was it acceptable to the Rallies Committee delegation. It appeared to be a retaliatory, face-saving exercise for the Commission at the expense of Mr. Coleman, who had acted correctly at all times, and with great integrity. He had done nothing wrong and was simply being victimised.
Mr. Coleman stated that for the good of Irish motorsport he was prepared to let his resignation stand, and step down from the Rallies Committee. He so informed the meeting. The Rallies Committee delegation stated that in the circumstances they would not be withdrawing their resignations.
We are aware that several meetings are due to be held on this controversy in the coming days and want to guard against the people attending such meetings being misinformed about the true state of affairs.
The demand for James Coleman to resign is unreasonable and should be withdrawn. It serves no purpose. When it is, the Rallies Committee, the National Forest Committee and the Dunlop Tarmac Championship committee will all resume their normal business on the basis that the points of agreement reached between the Commission and the Rallies Committee at the settlement meeting of December 21st are implemented.
There is now no good reason for this dispute to continue a day longer and we call on the incoming President of the Commission of MI, and all friends of rallying, to show the necessary leadership and intervene to end it.
Posted: December 30, 2009 1:32 PM
Kerry Motor Club wish to formally note that it fully supports the members of the 2009 Rallies Committee in the present dispute with Motorsport Ireland.
Furthermore we want it noted that the Directors of Kerry Motor Club have decided to put on hold all preparations for the running of the 2010 Circuit of Kerry Stages Rally until such time as the present dispute is settled to the satisfaction of Kerry Motor Club.
Issued on Tuesday 29th December 2009
Marie Quirke
Kerry Motor Club Secretary
Radio Interview with John Naylor during RTE Radio 1 Drivetime - 22 Dec 09
Posted: December 30, 2009 1:25 PM
Radio Interview with John Naylor during RTE Radio 1 Drivetime - 22 Dec 09
Posted: December 27, 2009 6:09 PM
Meeting of affiliated clubs at 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th December in the Killeshin Hotel, Portlaoise.
The purpose of the meeting is to outline the Motorsport Commission’s position in relation to the decision of members of the 2009 Rallies Committee to resign, and to place a series of proposals for consideration that will ensure the continuance of the sport.
Full Letter on:
2009 Resigned Rallies Committee Statement
Posted: December 22, 2009 7:18 PM
The 2009 resigned Rallies Committee wish to confirm that we attended a
meeting with a delegation from the Motorsport Ireland Commission on
Monday evening the 21st December as per our request following the
overwhelming support at our information meeting in Tullamore.
Whilst we successfully addressed most of the major elements in dispute,
it was not possible to resolve the matter as the Motorsport Commission
were unreasonable in their requests.
We would like to thank Mr.David Casserly for his assistance in the
process, which continued until 1.30am.
We attended the meeting at the invitation of Mr. Alex Sinclair former
CEO of Motorsport Ireland and we stand ready to attend any meetings that
may be called.
Following meeting on Monday 21st December
Posted: December 18, 2009 4:46 PM
A series of meetings lasting seven hours under the Chairmanship of Mr. David Casserly, Barrister, who practises at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Geneva, took place on 21st December 2009 at the headquarters of Motorsport Ireland at Dawson Street, Dublin 2. We regret to report that it was not possible to reach an agreement with the representatives of the resigned members of the 2009 Rallies Committee.
The Motorsport Commission will invite the registered President and/or Chairman and the registered Club Secretary of each affiliated Club to a meeting on 30th December 2009. Further details will issue shortly.
The Motorsport Commission confirms that all events scheduled for the 2010 calendar will be dealt with in the normal manner.
22nd December 2009
Positive result from Cork Motor Club letter to Motorsport Ireland
Posted: December 17, 2009 12:21 PM
An email from Cork Motor Club to Motorsport Ireland appears to have started the ball rolling in brokering an early settlement to the present situation in Irish motorsport.
Full Details:
Report on RTE.ie
Posted: December 17, 2009 12:17 PM
Donegal Motor Club Statement re: M.I. RALLIES COMMITTEE RESIGNATION
Posted: December 14, 2009 11:10 AM
Donegal Motor Club is dismayed to learn of the resignation of the Rallies Committee of Motorsport Ireland arising from an incident at an International Rally in 2009.
We call on all parties to act quickly and sensibly to resolve these difficulties.
However, as the Motor Club concerned, we support the stand taken by the Rallies Committee, and our nominee to it, and we applaud its determination to secure fair play for the competitors, officials and motor club caught up in the incident.
Our complaint to the Motorsport Commission and the Rallies Committee, which we delivered last July, remains unanswered and this is not satisfactory.
We note that the Dunlop Rally Championship sub-committee has resigned in support of the Rallies Committee. We thank both committees, and the National Forest Stages committee, which has also resigned, for their principled stand in the investigation of our complaint and we invite other motor clubs to do likewise.
We call on M.I. to properly address these issues and to reinstate the Rallies Committee, and to do so quickly.
Statement on behalf of the Tarmac Rally Organisers Association (TROA).
Posted: December 13, 2009 9:22 PM
"We refer to a statement issued by Motorsport Ireland on 11th December 2009.
It is with regret that we note that Motorsport Ireland has accepted the resignation of the Chairman, Secretary and individual members of its Rallies Committee.
The TROA would like to put on record it’s appreciation to Mr. James Coleman ( Rallies Committee Chairman) , and to his Committee members, for their efforts in endeavouring to bring a fair and just conclusion to matters arising in relation to an incident at one of the Irish Tarmac Championship counting rounds in 2009.
The TROA is concerned that despite the work done by the Rallies Committee over many months, the matter has not been resolved within Motorsport Ireland to the satisfaction of the Rallies Committee.
The TROA Chairman, Bobby Clinton, attends Rallies Committee meetings in his capacity as TROA representative. He has observed at first hand the work being done by its chairman and committee, can vouch for their integrity, and supports the officers and committee members in their efforts to properly administer rallying in Ireland.
In the light of confusion that has arisen regarding TROA's representation on the rallies committee, the matter will be considered by the members of TROA at it's AGM in January."
Meeting Re Rally Committee Resignation - (Mon) 14 Dec 09
Posted: December 13, 2009 10:52 AM
Meeting in Tullamore Court Hotel @ 8.30pm on Monday night to discuss reasons behind rally committee's resignation.
The support of Club Delegates / Competitors / Licence holders etc is welcome.
Motorsport Ireland Statement:
Posted: December 13, 2009 10:50 AM
"Arising from the resignation of individual members of the Rallies Committee the President of Motorsport Ireland has convened a special meeting of the Motorsport Commission (Ruling Council) on the 11th January to discuss the matter.
A full airing of the issues outlined in the letter of resignation will be given at this meeting.
However, Motorsport Ireland has, and will continue to act, in accordance with its rules and regulations while continuing to maintain at all times the highest standards in the sport and the principles of natural justice. "
'Major upheaval at Motorsport Ireland'
Posted: December 13, 2009 10:49 AM
See Article on Cork Motor Club Website: