Posted: November 29, 2009 1:59 PM
The Ennstal-Classic brings old cars to their borders and
allows their drivers to find out what is possible on today's
streets with cars from yesterday.
No electronic devices, only analogue watches. Whoever
takes part in our event experiences a feeling of success
which is unique. To drive the Ennstal also means joining
a network of friendship. Up to 53 different car brands
are represented every year. This diversity is very
important to us. Very special cars with a very special
history, representing milestones of technique at their
They still exist and we drive them: the last
lightly-trafficked streets of the Alpine regions. Driving
like 50 years ago is what it is all about. An scene which
is recreated on the Ennstal-Classic.
Were do the participants of the Ennstal-Classic find the
last paradise? They do on the beautiful Alpine roads,
crossing enchanted passes either in the early morning -
to gain strength for the 12-hour Orange Marathon - or
in the evening when the finish is near.
Enthusiastic spectators line the villages along the route,
demonstrating their love for nostalgia to the participants.
Adventure is everywhere: as the countryside becomes
lonelier and the headlights are switched on. While the
stop watch records hundredths of a second, the eyes of
each co-driver stare at the road book, those of the driver
at the oil-pressure gauge. Thunderstorms arise and try to
distract the participants from paradise.
Such is the mixture: paradise plus sporting challenge plus
adventure equals a product charged with emotion - an
event which has become a cult during the last 18 years -
the Ennstal-Classic.
:: We only accept cars built before 31 December 1972.
Final day of registration is 28 February 2010 (complete
registration including picture and entry fee).
:: The field is limited to 205 starters. The organisers
reserve the right to use their own selection procedure.
:: The entry fee is 1,900 Euros (for driver and co-driver,
including four evening events and a goody bag with
tee-shirts; accommodation is not included).
Tuesday/Wednesday 13/14 July 2010
Scrutineering and Documentation in Gröbming
Thursday 15 July 2010
11.00 - start of uphill regularity test Stoderzinken
(Stoderzinken street closed to public traffic from 09.00!)
14.00 - start of night prologue (Stoderzinken)
20.00 - finish in Gröbming
Friday 16 July 2010
07.00 - start of the ORANGE-Marathon
19.00 - finish in Schladming
Saturday 17 July 2010
11.00 - starting grid in Gröbming
13.00 - "Chopard-Grand Prix" - demonstration of
historic racing cars
13.30 - finale of the Ennstal-Classic
16.00 - Dorotheum auction
For further information please visit the event website:
Event Website:
Posted: November 29, 2009 1:57 PM