Paul Gallagher Fundraising Night (Glenties) - 27 Mar 09

Posted: March 26, 2009 10:51 PM - 6276 Hits

Paul Gallagher Recovery Fund Fuction in the "Limelight" Glenties Co Donegal on March 27th starting @ 8.30 pm

Auctions on ebay for seats wih Eugene Donnelly & Nial McShea

Posted: March 24, 2009 2:57 PM

Chance in a life time to sit along side two of this countrys top drivers. Eugene Donnelly and Niall Mc Shea. Eugene will drive a 300 bhp mark II when Nial will be driving a top spec rwd corolla.

All proceeds go to the Paul Gallagher recovery fund


Posted: March 20, 2009 3:01 PM

Paul Gallagher Recovery Fund Fuction in the "Limelight" Glenties Co Donegal on March 27th starting @ 8.30 pm

A host of Irish rally stars will be in attendance, including,

    Eugene Donnolly,
    Kris Meeke
    Andrew Nesbitt
    Kevin Lynch
    Niall Mc Shea
    Shaun Gallagher
    Charlie Donnelly
    Seamus Leonard
    James Cullen
    RPM's Plum
    Damien Tourish
    Toni Kelly
    & Many more suprise guests
There is also an auction on the night which includes
    Test with Tim Mc Nulty
    00 in the harvest with connie Smith in MK2 Escort
    Kris Meeke super 1600 testing session on 2/3rd may
    A seat with Eugene Donnolly in St Angello's Airpot,
    Enniskillen - 4th may in MK2 Escort
    Test Drive with peader hurson in his WRC Subaru
    Passenger ride with Kris Meeke in range buggy at Rally School Ireland
    Plus auctioning off rally memoribellia including jackets, hats etc

Topics: Paul Gallagher 

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