Killarney Autocross - 22 Mar 09

Posted: March 26, 2009 10:22 PM - 5409 Hits

Round 2 - 2009 Munster Autocross Championship
Round 1 - 2009 Killarney Autocross Championship

In Car

Posted: March 26, 2009 10:22 PM


Posted: March 23, 2009 7:48 PM

Opening Round - Killarney Autocross Championship

Posted: March 18, 2009 9:34 AM

The first round of the Darby O’Gills Killarney Autocross Championship is set to take place on Sunday the 22nd of March. Racing is set to get underway at 12 noon with practice on at 11am. As with other years it is returning to Mike Cronin’s Pit, just off the Cork road and will be signposted on approach roads to Killarney. The Autocross is also a round of the Munster Autocross Championship which expects a good entry from all round Munster and beyond to put it up to our locals. The track is expected to be quite different to other years due to the continuous work being done in the quarry in recent times.

A big entry is expected for this event, especially with the current economic climate it is seen is a cheap form of racing. All welcome to attend whether it be to compete, marshal or spectate. The other rounds of the championship are due to take place on May 24th, August 1st and 2nd, with the final round on October 18th.


Posted: March 9, 2009 11:22 AM

The first round of the Darby O'Gills Killarney autocross championship & second round of the Jerry Murphy Tyres Munster autocross championship will take place on the 22nd of March at Mike Cronins pit, Killarney, Co-Kerry.

Regulations & Entry forms will be available shortly.

More Details - 0877832934

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