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In-Car Rally Night (Cork) - (Fri) 20 Feb 09
Posted: March 10, 2009 4:28 PM - 12471 Hits
In aid of Paul Gallagher, who was seriously injured in an accident on the recent Galway International Rally.
The Commons Inn
Hotel, New Mallow Road, Cork City- 20th of February 2009 at 8.00pm
 Eugene Donnelly. Michelle Horgan & event organiser Pat Nolan. Photo: Ger Leahy
Adrian O'Sullivan from Bandon, Co. Cork wins seat with Billy Coleman
Posted: March 10, 2009 4:28 PM
Two time winner of the West Cork Rally Rally Billy Coleman will drive Frank O’Mahonys Metro 6R4 as a 00 car. He will be co-driven by Adrian O’Sullivan from Bandon, the lucky winner of a draw to raise funds for Paul Gallagher who was seriously injured in the Galway International Rally in January.
Posted: February 25, 2009 5:45 PM
More than 300 people turned up to show both their moral and financial
support for Paul Gallagher and his family at the fundraising "in-car"
night and auction held at The Commons Inn Hotel
in Cork last Friday night (20th of February).
Paul was seriously injured in an accident while competing on
the Galway International Rally in January and has a long road ahead of
The attendance was made up of
Competitors,marshals,photographers,reporters,officials,in fact anyone
that has anything to do with any aspect of the sport wanted to do
their bit to help their colleague.
The night started with some great in- car clips from some
of the top National and International Competitors at home and abroad
before moving on to the auction. Over 57 lots of rallying memoribilia
went under the hammer which ensured a busy night for auctioneer Hugh
McPhilips who made sure he got as much as he could for each item.The
lots included free entries from Killarney & Tipperary clubs as well as
a Navigators seat in the Loughall stages rally in the superfast Escort
Mk 2 of Adrian Hetherington. There were other class items on offer such
as signed drawings of both Billy Coleman and Eugene Donnelly by
Donegal artist John Baird which brought great interest from the floor
and certainly raised at lot of money at auction.
A number of photographers also made up beautiful montages
of various top Irish competitors which also sold well. One unusual
item that went under the hammer was the door of Guy Wilkes car used in
Wales Rally GB complete with the door panel from the rally and signed
by Wilkes himself!
There were Jackets,shirts T shirts,scale models,DVD's,in
fact everything you could think of to do with rallying.
Speaking on the success of the event organiser Pat Nolan said: "This
really surpassed everyones expectations.What started out as a night
run by the four Cork clubs ended up being supported by clubs and
individuals from all over the country and from all aspects of the
sport.So many people used the occasion to show their support for Paul
and his family and it was quite an overwhelming occasion to say the
least. I really can't thank people enough for what they did and how
they banded together to make sure the night was a success. I would
also like to assure everyone that EVERY cent raised went to the fund
as any printing was sponsored by c-print ltd,the food and function
room were provided by the Commons Inn and postage,stationary and other
costs were covered by the organisers of the night."
A huge 4 ft tx 4 ft picture was at the venue and was signed by
everyone in attendance and transported to Paul in the hospital on
The night raised €15,500 euro including sales of DVD's provided by
RPM in the run up to the event plus another 3542.48 which was
collected at the West Coast Rally Championship prizegiving
recently,giving a total of €19,042.48.
The good news is that this does NOT include the money from the
sale of the tickets for the seat with Billy Coleman in the Metro in
the West Cork Rally in March. It is hoped to raise a further €10,000
through this draw. There are still some of these tickets left and more
detaills are available: Tel +353 87 7466557
/ 087 7466557
The Metro Billy will drive in West Cork is being provided and
run by Frank O Mahony.
Posted: February 25, 2009 5:41 PM
 Photo: Ger Leahy
Posted: February 15, 2009 10:54 AM
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to be navigating
for Irelands most famous rally driver,Billy Coleman,in the Group B
Metro 6R4? Well wonder no more for that's the big prize in a €20 per
ticket raffle. The tickets for the draw will be available at the
forthcoming Fundraising night for Paul Gallagher which takes place
next Friday night,20th of February in The Commons Inn Hotel,New Mallow
Road on the outskirts of Cork City,and will also be on sale at various
events around the country for the next few weeks culminating in a draw
which will see one lucky winner navigate for Billy on the forthcoming
Quality Hotels West Cork Rally doing "00" duties.
There will also be a seat for auction,among other
things,on the night which will consist of an In-Car rally night with
full stages from top Irish and International Rally drivers as well as
the auction,raffles etc.
The seat on offer, an absolute cracker, will be the
chance of a lifetime to sit
with one of the best Escort Mk 2 drivers in these Islands,Adrian
Heatherington,on the Loughall Stages Rally later in the year.
The night is to raise funds for Paul Gallagher,who is
in hospital in Dublin having received serious injuries in an accident
on the Galway International Rally in January.Speaking about the
event,organiser Pat Nolan said:
"The response from everyone since announcing
the night has been phenomenal. As well as the two fantastic seats on
offer with Billy and Adrian there will be lots more on offer by way of
auction but also for sale items and indeed raffle prizes. Items
include signed photos and prints,limited edition models,team wear from
various teams,DVD's and lot's more.
As I've said before,rallying in Ireland is a very close
knit family and it's very heartening to see the total support for Paul
and his family at this time. Next friday night would also be an ideal
opportunity for the many spectators who follow our sport every weekend
and spectate free of charge to give something back to a competitor who
has given them so much enjoyment."
The event takes place on next Friday night,20th of
February starting at 8.00pm and is guaranteed to be a night to
remember. Included in the many competitors who will be attending to
show their support will be four times tarmac champion Eugene
Donnelly,as well as champion Navigator James O Brien,Paul Nagle,Denis
Cronin,Keith Cronin,Frank O Mahoney,Liam McCarthy,Kieran Murphy among
others and there's sure to be a few turn up unannounced on the night.
As well as memoribilia donated by individuals for the
night prizes have been provided by P&O European Ferries,RPM
Motorsport,On the Limit Motorsports and countless others
So don't miss your opportuntiy to meet the heroes of
Irish Rallying,see some fantastic in-car footage maybe win the odd
prize and who knows,maybe end up navigating for Billy Coleman or
Adrian Heatherington,not to mention doing your bit in the process to
help out one of our own.
Everyone is more than welcome to attend.
Posted: February 6, 2009 1:49 PM
Eugene Donnelly,4 time Irish Tarmac Rally Champion,will attend a fund raising In-Car Rally night in The Commons Inn
Hotel,on the New Mallow Road on the outskirts of Cork City on the 20th of February 2009 at 8.00pm.
The night will involve showing full in-car camera rally stages from the top Irish and International drivers at their very best,as well as some footage
from the 80's & 90's.
The idea behind the night is to raise funds for Paul Gallagher,who was seriously injured in an accident on the recent Galway International Rally,and is currently being treated in the Mater Hospital in Dublin.
Event organiser ,Pat Nolan,said "Motorsport in Ireland is a very close knit family and even though Paul hails from Donegal the four Cork Motor Clubs,namely Cork Motor Club,Munster Car Club,Imokilly Car Club and Skibbereen and district car club felt they wanted to do something to show support for their colleague.This fund raising night is the upshot."
As well as the lined up entertainment there will be raffles and an Auction of motorsport memoribilia as well as a few items for sale. 100% of the proceeds from the night will go directly to the fund as the Hotel have kindly offered to provide the function room and finger food free of charge on the night.
Rally clips from Frank Kelly,Seamus O Connell,Keith Cronin,Denis Cronin, Eugene Donnelly and a host of other top Irish Competitors will be on show alongside clips from the late great Colin McRae and countless others.
As well as getting permission from the above people to use their clips both RPM Motorsport and On-The-Limit sports have also been incredibly generous
and fully supportive of the function.
For further details,or if you wish to be involved or donate spot prizes etc you can do so by
Tel: 087 7466557 / +353 87 7466557 or email patnolan4wd@ireland.com
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