CCLWB Training Day & Summer Draw - (Sat) 23 May 09

Posted: May 15, 2009 10:57 AM - 3829 Hits

Carlow Car Club, Laois Rallysport Club, Wexford Motor Club, Carrick on Suir Motor Club and Birr and District Motor Club Marshal Initiative Scheme

Marshals Training Day and Summer Draw -

Posted: May 15, 2009 10:55 AM

Saturday the 23rd of May will see the five participating Motor Clubs that form the C.C.L.W.B Marshals hold their first summer draw. The draw signifies the first social event of the newly formed group and will be held in the Kilford Arms Hotel, Kilkenny City at 7.30 pm.

At the beginning of the 2009 motorsport season the:
� Carlow Car Club
� Carrick on Suir Motor Club
� Laois Rallysport Club
� Wexford Motor Club
� Birr and District Motor Club

Launched a new initiative to recognize and reward the valuable work carried out by members who marshal on events promoted by the above clubs. With this in mind a committee was appointed and to get the venture off the ground each club provided �500. The committee then proposed to design a car sticker in the shape of a marshal�s bib, this sticker would be used as the primary tool for raising funds and would be aimed at competitors during documentation sign on as it�s the Competitors who reap the benefits of the marshals work out on the stages. All the moneys collected would used to supply prizes for two yearly draws for marshals that are signed up members of the five clubs. A marshal would gain entry into the draws each time they marshal on an event.

Now as we come to the half point in the season it�s time for our first draw of the year. To date there as been six events at which the new initiative has been introduced and the reaction from the crews has been overwhelming in favour of the scheme. In recognition of how most of the funds have been raised the committee has decided to organise a marshal�s training day to run in conjunction with the summer draw. The training day will serve as a way to refresh the knowledge of current marshals and show marshals all aspects of how a special stage is setup and run. The training day will also be used as a fire extinguisher training day which has been sponsored by Motorsport Ireland.

The Marshals Training day will be held at the Callan, car boot sale venue Co. Kilkenny.

Geographical Coordinates to Venue:
N 52Ëš 26.906 W17Ëš 17.657

Training day Schedule:
The training day will start on Saturday morning the 23rd of May at 10.30am. The organising committee would appreciate all Marshals attending to be at the venue for 9.30 am to Sign on.

There will be a full special stage setup with tuition from where the rallycar leaves Parc Ferme to Start Arrival Control, Stage Start, Flying Finish and Finish Control. There will also be tuition with the timing systems and the correct use of radios when the special stage is live. The fire extinguisher training will be broken into two sessions� morning and afternoon with indoor tuition plus DVDs and outdoor tuition and practical training.

On Saturday evening the attention then moves to the Kilford Arms Hotel when a meal will be laid on and the draw will take place. Prizes include a day at a rally school, a co driving seat in a WRC rallycar on a test day, vouchers for rally clothing plus many other prizes and the main prize a Trip to a WRC Event.

For Mores Details /Any Questions Please Contact Your Individual Club Contacts

Posted: February 27, 2009 10:06 AM

Information update concerning the C.C.L.W. Clubs Initiative Scheme

Posted: February 27, 2009 10:01 AM

For the third weekend in quick succession Marshals from the four participating clubs in the new scheme will be out on the stages for the Wm Loughman Forestry Rally. Marshals from Carlow, Carrick, Laois and Wexford will be entered in to a draw later in the year when they sign on and the committee Chairman Billy Collins is now pleased to announce that the Birr and District Motor Club has now joined the new Initiative. Birr were one of the six clubs initially contacted about the project but required some time to evaluate the situation. Billy and other members of the committee also have a meeting set up with the Tipperary Light Car and Motorcycle Club to answer any remaining questions and it is hoped that they will be added the Scheme.

Over the weekend at the Carrick Forestry Event the committee will be raising funds by selling car stickers. The stickers have been designed in the shape of marshals bib and will be aimed at competitors during documentation sign on, as it�s the competitors who reap the benefit of the marshal�s hard work out on the stages.

The C.C.L.W. Motor Clubs Marshal Initiative Scheme

Posted: February 4, 2009 12:13 PM

Carlow Car Club, Laois Rallysport Club, Wexford Motor Club and Carrick on Suir Motor Club will launch a new initiative next weekend at the Tipperary Sean Conlon Forestry Rally for Marshals who are members of the four Clubs. The Clubs have come together to form the C.C.L.W. Motor Clubs. The C.C.L.W. Motor Clubs has been setup within the four clubs to recognize and repay the valuable work carried out by their marshals on events throughout the motorsport season. Starting from next weekends Sean Conlon Forestry Rally, the first round of the 2009 National Forestry Championship and the first round of the 2009 South East Stages Championship marshals from the above named clubs who sign-on to work on that event and following events will be entered into draws to be held twice per year to reward them for their efforts.

During a monthly meeting in October 2008 of the Carrick on Suir Motor Club, the subject of providing enough marshals to cover club events was raised. The Carrick club has in the region of 200 members but during the clubs Mini Stages Rally in September there was a shortage of Marshals to cover the two-stage event. Differing views were expressed on why there was a shortage of marshals but the general consensus was the lack of respect and poor treatment toward marshals on events. Club member Billy Collins then put forward the idea of joining forces with neighbouring clubs in the southeast area and pool our resources for events organized by the clubs involved. At this point Billy Collins, Jim Brawders and Barry Duggan were appointed to make contact with the following clubs:

    1. Carlow
    2. Birr
    3. Laois
    4. Tipperary
    5. Wexford
And setup a meeting to hear the opinions on forming a body within the respective clubs to regulate and then reward marshals for working on events through the motorsport season. After a succession of meetings the C.C.L.W. Motor Clubs has now been formed. The aim of the C.C.L.W. Motor Clubs is to reward marshals from the involved clubs for their hard work on events by holding two draws per year with prizes ranging from trips to WRC events, a day at a rally school, a co driving seat in a WRC rallycar on a test day, vouchers for rally clothing and many other prizes.

The Clubs concerned have appointed a committee to organize this new venture. They consist of Billy Collins (Carrick) as Chairman, Jim Crowe (Carlow) as Treasurer and Theresa Stafford (Wexford) as Secretary. At this point the Tipperary and Birr clubs have opted out of the project but it is the hope of the committee that they will rejoin. In addition to the committee two club contacts have also been appointed. They are; from Carlow Jim Crowe and Chris Nugent, from Carrick Billy Collins and Jim Brawders, from Laois Tim Conroy and Kieran Reid and from Wexford Theresa Stafford and Pat O�Dowd.

To get this new initiative off the ground the four clubs have provided �500 per club to start a fund. 100% of the money in this fund will be used to supply prizes for two draws per year. The committee have also designed a sticker in the shape of marshals bib which will be on sale for �10 at events organized and promoted by the four motor clubs. This sticker will be aimed at competitors during documentation sign on, as it�s the competitors who reap the benefit of the marshal�s hard work out on the stages. Each of the four clubs has their own colour sticker,
    1. Carlow (Orange)
    2. Carrick (Blue)
    3. Laois (Green)
    4. Wexford (Yellow)
To qualify for eligibility for the draws Marshals Must:
    1. Each Marshal must be over eighteen years old.
    2. Each Marshal must be a paid up member of one of the four participating clubs.
    3. Each Marshal must have signed the official Motorsport Ireland event sheet.
    4. Each Marshal must have signed the club contact sign on sheet for each event.
    5. Each Marshal must sign a ticket and return the ticket to their club contact on the day.
For up to date information and latest news on this new initiative please logon to the following club websites: Club Contact Information


Carrick on Suir

087 2528229


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