Irish National Forestry Forum - 27 Jul 08

Posted: July 14, 2008 4:13 PM - 3858 Hits

The Irish National Forestry Rally Committee, will hold an Open Forum discussion on Sunday the 27th of JULY 2008, in Grants Hotel, Roscrea, Co Tipperary at 2pm sharp.


Posted: July 14, 2008 4:13 PM

The Irish National Forestry Rally Committee, will hold an Open Forum discussion on Sunday the 27th of JULY 2008, in Grants Hotel, Roscrea, Co Tipperary at 2pm sharp.

For discussion at the forum will be

The Forestry Championship Going Forward.

    ➢ Review of the 2008 Forestry Championship to Date
    ➢ Review Class 9 and Class 1 running at the front of the Field.
    ➢ Review of The Motorsport Ireland National Junior Championship.
    ➢ 2009 Dates and Counting Rounds.
    ➢ Regulations, Classes & Points Structure for 2009
    ➢ AOB
All are welcome, as your input at this discussion will be much appreciated.

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