Motorsport News launches Monthly Irish Supplement

Posted: July 30, 2008 3:19 PM - 3631 Hits

2nd Issue available this week.

Posted: July 30, 2008 3:19 PM

2nd Issue available this week.

Motorsport News launches Monthly Irish supplement

Posted: June 25, 2008 3:54 PM

Motorsport News, the leading weekly motorsport newspaper, is to expand its coverage by including a monthly supplement dedicated to all branches of the sport in Ireland.

The first instalment of the monthly supplement will appear in this week’s issue (June 25) and has eight pages of extra Irish coverage in a special insert. The supplement reveals the unique way that Ireland will launch the World Rally Championship one week before Rally Ireland next January. In racing, Colin Turkington reveals why he’s confident he can win this year’s British Touring Car Championship. Other items covered this month include a detailed examination of head and neck safety devices, which are set to become compulsory in Irish rallying from next year.

Kerryman Sean Moriarty, an MN staff member and regular rally co-driver, has been appointed editor of the new supplement.
He said: “Motorsport News always enjoyed a loyal following in Ireland and this is a way of repaying that loyalty. The new monthly insert is designed to complement our existing coverage of Irish motorsport. We will continue weekly reports and news from Irish events, but the extra pages will allow us to feature more people, more events, more clubs – and even more motorsport excitement.”

The special edition will include a comprehensive events guide and dedicated Irish television listings. The first issue will accompany this week’s issue, dated June 25.

For more information, contact MN Ireland editor Sean Moriarty on +44 208 267 5390 / 0208 267 5390

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