Mayo Autocross - 22 Jun 08

Posted: June 25, 2008 2:35 PM - 5891 Hits

Round 2 - 2008 Mayo & District Motorsport Club Autocross Championship

Full Results / Photo

Posted: June 25, 2008 2:29 PM

Entry List

Posted: June 19, 2008 3:26 PM

More Details on:

Aerial Photo of New Track Layout

Posted: June 11, 2008 11:16 PM

Map to new Quarry Enterance

Posted: June 11, 2008 11:14 PM

Regulations available

Posted: June 3, 2008 11:47 AM

Posted: April 25, 2008 9:03 PM

Harrington’s Quarry, The Valley, near Swinford

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