2008 Killarney Historic Stages Rally - CANCELLED

Posted: October 14, 2008 7:49 PM - 11063 Hits

Killarney Historic Stages Rally - 06-07 Dec 08
Round 6 - 2008 Southern 4 Rally Championship (Historics)

KDMC Historic Social Night - (Sat) 29 Nov 08

Posted: October 22, 2008 10:00 PM

Motorsport Ireland Statement - Killarney Historic Rally

Posted: October 14, 2008 1:57 PM

14 October 2008

Motorsport Ireland wishes to outline some of the issues arising from the running of the 2007 Killarney Historic Rally by the Killarney and District Motor Club (KDMC) and the subsequent decision taken by Motorsport Ireland (MI) to refuse the Club a permit to run the rally in 2008.

1. The Killarney Historic Rally 2007

The Stewards’ and Safety Officers’ reports identified issues of significant concern in the conduct of this event including, but not limited to, the inadequate nature of the radio system; the failure to supply a proper safety plan in a timely fashion and failing to operate an event and a course car schedule that allowed officials adequate time to ensure compliance with the event safety plan. MI was also concerned at the handling of an incident by the Club that resulted afterwards in a substantial damage claim, and threatened litigation, being made against both KDMC and Motorsport Ireland.

2. The Failure of Response by Killarney & District Motor Club

The Rallies Committee of Motorsport Ireland raised these matters in correspondence with the KDMC, which it failed to deal with in any meaningful way. The Committee also asked for a meeting with event officials but received little or no cooperation, leading to several months delay by KDMC. Eventually the Club was informed it would not receive a permit for the 2008 rally due to its failure to engage with the Rallies committee on the matters raised in the Stewards reports for the 2007 rally. It was offered one final opportunity for a meeting to avoid this outcome, in Tullamore on the 26th July. Only then did KDMC arrange to send a delegation.

It should be noted that the Rallies Committee routinely corresponds with motor clubs throughout Ireland, and arranges meetings with them to discuss matters raised in Stewards’ and Safety Officers’ reports, without any of the difficulties it encountered with KDMC.

3. Meetings between Motorsport Ireland and Killarney & District Motor Club.

At the Tullamore meeting, between a delegation from the KDMC and one from the Rallies committee, the Club took issue with several of the complaints made in the reports, sought to deflect responsibility for problems with the rally onto others and declined to give an undertaking to operate the 2008 Rally in accordance with Motorsport Ireland regulations.

The matter was later considered in detail by the full Rallies Committee, who unanimously recommended to the Motorsport Commission of MI (ruling council) that KDMC should not receive a permit to run the event in 2008. The Commission considered this recommendation and decided to accept it. KDMC were then informed accordingly.

The Motorsport Commission subsequently received a further delegation from KDMC on 24th September, which made further proposals to deal with the issues raised by the Rallies Committee. The Motorsport Commission considered the matter further but was not satisfied that the Club’s proposals adequately met the issues raised. It decided that the event should not be allowed to run in 2008.

Motorsport Ireland regrets that this action became necessary. It should be noted that permits have been refused at other rally events in recent years. Where Motorsport Ireland feels an event is not being run to the appropriate safety and organisational standards it is obliged to act accordingly. In this respect, the statement issued by KDMC on 2nd October 2008 that “safety was not an issue” on the 2007 Killarney Historic Rally is incorrect.

Motorsport Ireland is mindful of the disappointment that will result from this decision, and trusts that once the issues identified have been properly addressed future permits may be granted for this event. It should be stressed that this unanimous decision was not taken lightly, but by the full Rallies Committee and the Motorsport Commission of Motorsport Ireland, after lengthy consideration of the issues and two meetings with KDMC.

It should also be noted that, with one exception, the membership of both the Rallies Committee and the Motorsport Commission is comprised of volunteers.

Statement from Killarney and District Motor Club

Posted: October 14, 2008 1:54 PM

Press Release - 2nd October 2008

Following a meeting between The Motor Sport Commission of Motor Sport Ireland and a delegation from Killarney and District Motor the Commission have decided to uphold the recommendation of the Rallies Committee of MI that a permit should not be issued for the 2008 Killarney Historic Stages Rally.

The Killarney and District Motor Club refute any suggestion that safety was an issue on the 2007 event. The steward‚s report on the 2007 event did not highlight any safety deficiencies, nor were any such deficiencies outlined at the meting of the Commission. The KDMC delegation were of the opinion that ample evidence was submitted to the commission to show that planning for this years event including the preparation of the safety plan was at an advanced stage. It also assured the Commission that this years event would be run to the usual high standards achieved by the club over the past thirty years, and that all requirements of Motor Sport Ireland Rules and criteria would be met.

The Commission have not referred to any specific reasons why the permit has been refused other than to say that „it is not in the best interests of the Club or Motorsport to allow this event go ahead‰. The Club stands on its proud record of running great events in Killarney over the past thirty years.

As a Club we are also proud of the fact that this Killarney Historic Stages Rally received the highest accolade the sport has to offer when it was declared the Best Historic Event in Western Europe and received this award at an International Ceremony in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England in March 2004.

The cancellation of this event is a huge financial loss to Killarney and the surrounding areas, coming as it does on the back of a very difficult tourist season. The Club also regrets the fact that so many great competitors from Ireland and further afield have been denied the opportunity to take part in what is one of their favorite events and the only dedicated Historic Stages Rally in this Country.

2008 Event Cancelled

Posted: September 30, 2008 10:31 PM

Statement from Killarney & District Motor Club

Posted: September 17, 2008 5:08 PM

Statement from Killarney & District Motor Club on

2008 Event Refused Permit

Posted: August 28, 2008 3:58 PM

Motorsport Ireland have informed Killarney & District Motor Club that a permit will not be issued for the 2008 Killarney Historic Stages Rally.
As of now the event is not going ahead

Killarney & District Motor Club are reviewing the situation and hope to issue a statement in the next few weeks.

Posted: August 28, 2008 3:52 PM

Kevin Flannery, former COC for the Killarney Forestry rally will take on the job as COC for the 2008 Killarney Historic Stages Rally.

Posted: February 28, 2008 7:23 AM

Tim & Rachel step down as Clerk of the Course & Event Secretary At the recent AGM of Killarney & District Motor Club, Tim and Rachel Clifford notified the Club they will not be going forward as Clerk of the Course & Event Secretary for the 2008 Killarney Historic Stages Rally.


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